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Phase 2 Launch: Architect & Configure

The second phase of William & Mary's project to implement Workday, known as Architect & Configure, is now underway. This phase focuses on configuring Workday based on the specifications and data gathered during the Readiness & Plan phase. 

During this stage, our partners at Huron have taken the knowledge and data gathered in the first phase to conduct a preliminary configuration of Workday. This configuration provides a tenant for the project team to experience firsthand. 

In this phase, the project team will participate in Customer Confirmation Sessions to review modifiable business processes and make necessary configuration optimizations for William & Mary. Additionally, this phase includes the kick-off of unit testing to ensure that the configuration aligns with the configuration workbooks. 

Upcoming Activities in the Architect & Configure Phase 

As we progress through Architect & Configure, we have several key activities on the horizon. These activities are critical to ensuring that our configuration aligns with the strategic goals and operational needs of the institution. 

Foundation Alignment Sessions (FAS) 

Foundation Alignment Sessions are designed to calibrate our understanding of the foundational elements of the Workday system. These sessions will help us align our configurations with best practices and institutional requirements, ensuring a solid framework for future developments. 

Unit Testing (UT) 

Unit Testing is a crucial step to verify that individual components of the Workday system function as intended. During these sessions, we will rigorously test each unit to identify and resolve any issues, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the system before it goes live. 

Customer Confirmation Sessions (CCS) 

In Customer Confirmation Sessions, stakeholders will review modifiable business processes and make necessary configuration optimizations. These sessions are essential for validating that the system meets the needs of William & Mary and for making informed decisions to refine the configuration. 

Process & Data Alignment Sessions 

Process & Data Alignment Sessions focus on harmonizing our business processes and data within the Workday system. These sessions ensure that our data structures and workflows are consistent, accurate, and optimized for efficiency and effectiveness. 

Change Network Readiness Workshops 

Change Network Readiness Workshops are designed to prepare our change network for the transition to Workday. These workshops will equip our team with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to effectively manage and support the upcoming changes, fostering a smooth and successful implementation. 

By engaging in these activities, we aim to build a robust and user-centric Workday system that supports our institutional goals and enhances our operational capabilities. The participation and collaboration of the change network is vital to the success of this phase. 

We appreciate the dedication and contributions of the project team as we progress through this significant phase of the project. We’re committed to working collaboratively, communicating effectively, and celebrating our achievements along the way.