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Fall 2022 - Spring 2024

In fall 2022, the university began evaluating the options for modernizing the university's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems by transitioning to a cloud-based, Software as a Service (SaaS) approach. This project was a partnership of various departments on campus and will enable business efficiencies in HR, Finance and Student Systems and improve user experience. In spring 2023, Information Technology hosted two separate on-campus demos from Ellucian and Workday. There were 34 sessions attended by more than 190 people from across campus. Feedback was taken from attendees of those sessions and was used to evaluate the option that would be the right choice for W&M. Additionally, the university consulted with Gartner, InfoTech and Tambellini advisory groups on the ERP landscape in higher education, focusing on the university’s goals.

Workday Demo ScheduleBanner SAAS Demo Schedule