Assembly Board
The President shall preside over the Executive Board and meetings of the Staff Assembly; prepare the agenda; with assistance of the Executive Board, prepare the budget and submit to Staff Assembly at the regular meeting for approval; authorize disbursement of funds consistent with the approved budget; perform such other duties associated with this office.
Current President (2024-2025): Kyle Cappelli, Business Affairs
Vice President
The Vice-President shall preside in absence of the President; serve as assistant to the President; complete term vacated by President; review minutes of committees prior to meetings of the Staff Assembly; perform such other duties associated with this office.
Current Vice President (2024-2025): Natalie Rue, W&M Libraries
The Secretary shall prepare and distribute the minutes; distribute the agenda for regular meetings at least five days prior to next meeting; maintain records of the Staff Assembly including mailing lists and prepare a report in an appropriate publication to the staff of the business conducted at each meeting; maintain a membership roster including term of office; conduct a roll call of members and record attendance; advise the President whether a quorum is present at the beginning of each meeting; perform such other duties associated with this office.
Current Secretary (2024-2025): Kris Hopper, Counseling Center
The Treasurer shall maintain fiscal records; make authorized disbursements of funds; submit monthly financial reports of expenses to the Executive Board; perform such other duties associated with this office.
Current Treasurer (2024-2025): Alan Hodge, Bursar
Social Media Coordinator
The Social Media Coordinator shall coordinate with committees for relevant information to promote on social media; attend committee meetings as necessary to ensure information is accurate and consistent; post, promote, and share upcoming events; invite all followers to event pages for meetings; create and maintain a social media timeline for known communications throughout the year for transparency and organization; share content relevant to staff posted by other W&M pages and organizations; perform such other duties associated with this office.
Current Social Media Coordinator (2024-2025): Kristen Sharpe, VIMS Advancement