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About the Initiative

National and global events will continue to prompt challenging conversations at William & Mary. The more open faculty and staff can be in engaging substantively, respectfully, and compassionately with each other and our students, the stronger W&M will be as a learning community.

This summer and early fall, W&M has programmed professional development to collaboratively engage employees. This dynamic programming draws on campus expertise to prepare thoughtfully for the fall in ways that prioritize our values and our mission of teaching, learning, and discovery.

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Handling Vulnerability

Professor Atwater offers helpful tips on how best to negotiate the situation when you or others lack certainty, control, or both. Also available: Atwater's specific suggestions on awareness, personal well-being, community well-being and communication during times of vulnerability.
Need more background? Watch his presentation on The Confidence Map: Charting a Path From Chaos to Clarity.


W&M Better Arguments

The Democracy Initiative and William & Mary staff storytellers outline how adopting Better Arguments' five principles have improved their ability to work, and live, with others.


About the Initiative

The W&M 2024 Professional Development Initiative reinforces the university's commitment to democracy in the Vision 2026 strategic plan. As the Alma Mater of the Nation, William & Mary has a responsibility to cultivate the practice of respectful disagreement across divides. As professionals and colleagues, each of us has the opportunity to model this every day at William & Mary for our students.