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The William & Mary community will come together for W&M Professional Development Week 2025, Feb. 24-28. Connect with experts from the W&M community via virtual panels and workshops to explore your career path, discover strategies to inspire your team and unlock the power of meaningful partnerships. Professional Development Week is free and open to all W&M alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends.
Friday night opening reception and talk: Dr. Kiran Shinde from La Trobe University in Australia: Religious Tourism Thrives Because Pilgrimages Exist: Voices from South Asia. Dr. Shinde will speak about the contemporary phenomena of religious tourism in the developing world through his analysis of several pilgrim-towns and pilgrimage landscapes related to Hinduism and Buddhism. His wide-ranging examples reinforce that religious tourism thrives on religious infrastructure created by religious institutions – and all of this is rooted in the traditions of pilgrimage.
November 3-4, 2023 -- Annual Symposium for Pilgrimage Studies
Featured Panel: "THE ACCIDENTAL HIGHWAY US HIGHWAY 20 AND THE PILGRIMAGE TO MAIN STREET, USA" withBrian Bouldrey, Northwestern University, Dept of English,Jennifer Keller, Environmental Protection Aagency Specialist, and Karen Titus, Documentary Photographer
November 4-5, 2022 -- Annual Symposium for Pilgrimage Studies
Keynote Speaker: Simon Coleman, Chancellor Jackman Professor, University of Toronto, Department for the Study of Religion. Professor Coleman is an anthropologist whose most recent book, Powers of Pilgrimage: Religion in a World of Movement, was published in 2021 by New York University Press
November 12-13, 2021 -- Annual Symposium for Pilgrimage Studies, on-line sessions only
"The Changing Nature of Pilgrimage in a Globalizing World"