Friday, September 26
5:30 – 7 pm Registration & public lecture, Muscarelle Museum
7 – 8:30 pm
Dr. Sonia Sánchez
Director of Education, Sefarad-Israel Center, Madrid
“Sephardic Heritage Pilgrimage Back to Spain”
8:30 – 9:30 pm Reception open to all
Saturday, September 27 Tucker Hall
8 – 12 noon Registration, Coffee and pastry service
9 – 10:15 am
Session 1-A: Pilgrimage in the Romantic Age
Presider: Prof. John Conlee, College of William & Mary
Eunice, Gorman, King's University College at Western University, “Dark tourism as meaningful secular pilgrimage”
Sara Terreault, Concordia University, “’I wandered lonely as a cloud’: Postmodern Pilgrimage as Ascetic/Aesthetic Romance”
Matthew Anderson, Concordia University, “The Pilgrimage that Ended Pilgrimages”
Session 1-B: Space, Place and Lived Experience
Presider: Prof. Cristina Stancioiu, College of William & Mary
Jamie Scott Ross, Universidad de Sevilla, “A Labyrinth Without Walls: Memory and the Art of Walking (Seville to Santiago de Compostela)”
Pamela Payne, Palm Beach Atlantic Univ., “Contemporary Women Writing Pilgrimage: Meaning in Movement on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela”
Stacey Engels, Independent Researcher NYC, “Strange Inner Harvest: Reaping the Insights of Pilgrimage”
10:15 – 11:00 am Refreshments, Student Poster Presentations
William Plews-Ogan, “Justice Afoot: Youth Offenders’ Pilgrimage to Restoration”
Rory Siegel, Meredith Crizer, “Effects of Pilgrimage on Health and Exercise Attitudes”
Quinn Monette, “Symbols of the Camino and the Nature of Religion”
Ryan Goodman, “Santiago: Patron Saint of King, Country and its Youth?”
Michael Cicchino, “Economic Values of the Camino as a Tourist Location”
Somayah Allibhai-Mawani, “Experiencing Santiago’s Living Cathedral through the Senses”
Rebecca Yon, “Gendered Behaviors on the Camino de Santiago”
Manon Murray, “The Gendered Camino de Santiago”
Arianna Talaie, “Born To Move. The Camino’s Reflection of Global Migration”
Eric Massey, “Teaching Spanish Language with Pilgrimage Artifacts”
Katrina Hoven (Warren Wilson College), “Celtic and Appalachian Music”
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Session 2-A: : The Early Christian World
Presider: ??, College of William & Mary
Jenn Cianca, Bishop’s Univ., Québec, “The Pilgrim Body and Early Christian Sacred Places”
Silvia Alfaye, Universidad de Zaragoza, “Walking into the dark: underground pilgrimage in Roman Hispania”
Thomas Jacoby, Emeritus Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, “Qal’at Sim’an, a late 5th century pilgrimage center”
Session 2-B: Echoes from the Middle Ages
Presider: Prof. Monica Potkay, College of William & Mary
Suzanne Yeager, Fordham Univ., “Life on the Margins: Mediterranean Voyaging and the Lived Experience of Sea Travel”
John Conlee, College of William & Mary, “The North Wales Pilgrims’ Way: Medieval and Modern Pilgrims to Ynys Enlli”
Maryjane Dunn, Henderson State Univ., “Reading the Camino: The Literary Paths to Santiago de Compostela”
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch on own
1:30 – 2:45 pm
Session 3-A Space, Place and Lived Experience
Presider: Prof. Annie Hesp, Virginia Tech Univ.
Heather Warfield, Univ. of Southern Queensland, “Pilgrimage As Developmental Process of Meaning Co-Creation”
Joyce DeToni-Hill, Independent Researcher, Colorado Springs, Colorado, “The Road Home – Grace and The Reluctant Pilgrim”
Matthew Boisvert, Université du Québec, Montréal, “Pilgrimage as a mean for constructing and legitimizing identity: the case of Yellamma, Koovagam and Bahuchara”
Session 3-B: The Classical World
Presider: Prof. Barbette Spaeth, College of William & Mary
Elizabeth Mercier, Perdue Univ., “Crime at the Shrine: The Curse Tablets from Roman Britain”
Catalina Popescu, Texas Tech University, “Oracles and the Apollonian Function of Forgetfulness
Mary Ann Eaverly, Univ. of Florida , “Pilgrimage Standing Still: A re-examination of Archaic Athenian Votive Statues”
2:45 – 3:30 pm Refreshments, Student poster presentations
William Plews-Ogan, “Behind Bars, Beyond Bars: Experiencing Dante the Pilgrim in Jail”
-- other posters as in morning –
3:30 – 4:45
Session 4-A: Autoethnography and Narratives of Pilgrimage Experience
Presider: Francie Cate-Arries, College of William & Mary
Larry Russell, Emeritus Hofstra Univ., “Absence, Loss, and the Continuation of Pilgrimage”
Nicole Bourque, Univ. of Glasgow, “Experience and Identity on The Camino to Santiago de Compostela”
Annie Hesp, Virginia Tech Univ.,
Allison Smith, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, “Medieval Pilgrims in Modern Times: Buñuel’s The Milky Way”
Session 4-B: The Contemporary Arts and Communication
Presider: Prof. Jane Nucup, Randolph-Macon College
Robert Nickerson, San Francisco State University, “Mobile Technology and Smartphone Apps on the Camino de Santiago: What Would Charlemagne, El Cid, and St. James Use?”
Miguel Nieto Niño, Universidad de Sevilla, “Peregrinos españoles a Jerusalén a fines de la Edad Media: El testimonio de Pero Tafúr”
Lynn Talbot, Roanoke College, “Franco and the Falange: The Reinvention of Santiago and the Camino”
5 pm
Tucker Auditorium
Plenary Address, David Gitlitz and Linda Davidson
“Pilgrimage and the Jews”
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Reception for all registered participants Cohen Career Center
Sunday, September 28
8:30 – 12:00 am
Coffee and pastry service Cohen Career Center
9 – 10:30 am
Tucker Auditorium
Rabbi Joshua Weinberg
President of the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA)
W&M students whose travel has been sponsored by Birthright
“Exploring Birthright Israel:
Heritage Pilgrimage, Cultural Tourism and Political Identity”
11:00 am – 12 noon
Roundtable for Conference Participants and Faculty of Consortium Institutions
The Institute for Pilgrimage Studies gratefully acknowledges Major Benefactors
Institute Donors including faculty and student of Concordia Univ. for bringing their Peregraffiti banner; Pilgrim Hosts George Greenia, Kathleen Jenkins, Paul Moylan, Eloísa Palafox and Pilgrim Partners Brenda Allen, Elizabeth DesMarais, Kathy Gower, Carlos Mentley, Barbette Spaeth
College of William & Mary:
Michael Halleran, Provost / Kate Conley, Dean of Arts & Sciences / John Griffin, Dean of Undergraduate Studies / LuAnn Homza, Dean of Educational Policy / Alpha Delta Gamma, National Honorary Society for Medieval & Renaissance Studies / Joel Schwartz, Dean of Interdisciplinary studies and Director of the Roy R. Charles Center / Stephen Hanson, Vice Provost for International Affairs and Director Reves Center for International Studies
Academic Departments:
Anthropology; Art and Art History; Classical Studies; English; History; Kinesiology and Health Sciences; Latin American Studies; Modern Languages and Literatures & Hispanic Studies; Religious Studies; Sociology; Theatre, Speech, and Dance
William & Mary Student Pilgrim Presenters:
Robin Crigler, Claire Glisson, Erin Gregory, William Plews-Ogan
Regional Volunteers from American Pilgrims on the Camino: Edith Chutkow, Phyllis & Otis Haislip, Pembroke Hoffmier, Bruce & Nancy Hubbard, Sandy & Ron Lenthall, Kathy Roach, Tom Wood