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Faculty Assembly


The meeting was called to order at 3:36 p.m. with 27 members present.

The minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2000 were approved as amended by Alan Fuchs.

Assembly President David Lutzer introduced Ed Flippen, Chair of Virginia's Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education (BRC). Mr. Flippen described the composition and foci of the Blue Ribbon Commission. He reported that the Commission had recommended that institutional performance agreements (IPA) between the state government and each public institution in Virginia be mandated. Flippen stated that the IPA system would give institutions the opportunity to negotiate deregulation and decentralization. In all, the BRC report contains 73 recommendations.

Mr. Flippen reviewed a host of data on higher education costs, resources, appropriations, and charges. The Commission employed these data during its deliberations on policy options. Flippen voiced his concern about the increase of mandatory (non-E & G) fees. He noted that the state of Virginia gets less than two percent of total U.S. research and development funding. He also reported that William and Mary is further below its peer group in faculty salaries than any other Virginia public institution. Flippen noted that the governor is committed to more higher education funding as long as there is accountability. Flippen stated that the proposed six-year IPA is a vehicle to ensure this accountability.

According to Flippen the idea is for institutions and state government representatives to negotiate these six-year plans. Flippen indicated that the current institutional funding system is chaotic and prevents institutions from making long-range plans. He stated that he assumes institutions will not sign an IPA until they are satisfied with their base funding. He also observed that it is inevitable that in the future institutions will have to set priorities and redistribute resources.

I. Administrative Reports

No reports.

II. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Academic Advisory Committee. Katherine Kulick reported that the faculty survey is done. She distributed the final draft version of the report. Professor Kulick announced that final copies of the report will be distributed soon to all members of the faculty. The report includes summaries from the follow-up focus groups with selected faculty members. A complete copy of the survey report and all data sets will be presented to the president of the Faculty Assembly for storage in the Assembly's archives. President Lutzer commended Professor Kulick and Professor Elmer Schaefer for the immense amount of work they did to complete the faculty survey process.

B. Committee on Committees. Chair Joe Scott reported on the review of five institution-wide committees and the timetable for reviewing the other fifteen college-wide committees. By the final 1999-2000 meeting of the Assembly, COC will present its report on the committees it has reviewed.

C. Executive Committee. Speaking for the Executive Committee, President Lutzer reported on the following three matters:

2010 Process: The Executive Committee met with the Provost and President who invited EC to undertake the penultimate review of the 2010 summary and goals statement that will be drafted by the deans. That review will occur in mid- to late May.

Special Elections Meeting: The special elections meeting of the 2000-2001 Faculty Assembly will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 3:30 p.m. in the Blow Hall Board Room. The goal is to elect the Vice President and Secretary of the Assembly and then ratify the committee structure for next year.

Post-Tenure Review Document: A revision is being proposed by the Personnel Policy Committee. It will, among other things, include a greater role for chairs and deans. As soon as the Provost gives us her final draft, the EC will turn it over to AAC for review and we hope for approval at the meeting of May 9.

D. Liaison Committee. Vice President Bill O'Connell announced that the next faculty presentation to the Board of Visitors will focus on the Public Policy Program. Professor Will Hausman will lead this session.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Roger Baldwin