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Cabinet 1 Contents

  1. 1aRadio Shack LCD RF Frequency Counter, cat #22-306.
  2. Universal Enterprises Microwave meter, MW1A
  3. Lodestar Electronic Corporation, TR DIP Meter, DM-4061
  4. Radio Shack Digital Sound Level Meter, cat #33-2055.



  1. cab1b FLUKE 12 multime ter
  2. SPECTRUM Personal Gas Detector, ELMET Corporation, PPM 03.
  3. Cooper Instruments & Systems Digital Pressure Meter, Model DPG1200, Range 30 HG VAC.
  4. ELENCO Capacitance Meter, CM-1555; DS NO.6952999



  1. 1cMETEK Digital Tachometer, Model 1726
  2. HAMAMATSU PMT Sensor Module with Embedded Microcontroller and RS-232-C Interface, HC135-01 51




11.  1dAdherence Test System SEBASTIAN IV





  1. 1eHP 3478A Digital Multimeter
  2. Kethley Instruments Inc.: Model 2182 Nanovoltmeter