Wellness Bursts
Wellness Bursts are an allusion to the original work of student Wellness Ambassadors on William & Mary's campus. Influenced by the Office of Health Promotion, the first cohort of WAs would stage Wellness Bursts around campus to make engaging in students' wellbeing less formal. In 2018, that would include setting up a tea station in Swem Library, or giving out aromatherapy playdough on the Sadler Terrace. Now, the Fun Max team is working to revive this initiative in order to meet students where they're at.
Want to team up? Email us at wellness@wm.edu.
Dance Dance RevolutionOur first Wellness Burst took place during the Counseling Center's Check Up from the Neck Up. Fun Max set up a table that encouraged to take a dance break during their day. |
SillybandzDid you know Fun Max was sponsored by Sillybandz? Well, there was a Wellness Burst to prove it.