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Non-Production Cascade Servers

In addition to our production Cascade CMS server we also have 2 non-production Cascade CMS servers: Cascade TEST and Cascade DEV.
Non-Production Server Details
  • We periodically (a few times a year) re-clone these servers from the production Cascade CMS.
    • Cloning destroys anything on the server that is not on the production server.
  • Content on these servers will NEVER automatically appear in production.
    • You would need to cut-and-paste manually and re-perform any other actions.
  • For these reasons:
    • You typically won't use non-production Cascade servers for developing new websites or new content within an existing website unless it's worth doing everything twice.
    • Please contact if you have a project you'd like to try out on a non-production server. 
Cascade TEST
  • As a Cascade Manager, you can visit Cascade TEST at
    • You will have the same permissions and content you had on the production server at the time we last cloned — often a few months old.
  • Cascade TEST publishes to an associated non-production web server
    • Web server URLs look like: https://tst-[yoursite]/path
  • The associated non-production (published) web server requires this specific login:
    • User = reweb
    • Password = Oceans31
    • This is not a secret; it simply keeps Google bots out.
  • Usage
    • Web & Design frequently uses TEST to build new page types, row types & other features.
    • Occasionally we'll build a proof-of-concept for a new website, or an extensive overhaul of an existing website.
  • Cascade Managers
    • We may ask you to preview or test a new or revamped feature or website.
      • In these cases, we'll send you a link to either or test-{Site}
    • You may utilize Cascade TEST on your own
      • You could try out a new feature or row type to see how it works.
      • You could test out a series of changes to your content or folder structure that you want to make sure behave as you expected.
      • If you wish to work on something over the course of days or weeks, please let us know at [[creative]] so we don't schedule a refresh and destroy your work mid-project.
    • We inform Cascade Managers when we plan to refresh Cascade TEST.
Cascade DEV
  • Cascade DEV is more volatile than Cascade TEST, as we use it for:
    • testing new upgrades/versions of Cascade CMS
    • testing updates to the underlying Linux/Apache server running in Amazon's cloud
    • attempting an overhaul of a whole Site, or a substantial portion of a Site, to make sure it works without unintended consequences. 
  • Please do not use Cascade DEV for your own testing and trials.
    • We do not inform Cascade Managers when we plan to refresh Cascade DEV.