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Introducing Bulk Uploading

Uploading a zip archive to Cascade has served as a handy way to import multiple images and documents for a long time, but with the latest upgrade came a new option that makes uploading your files a breeze.

To upload more than one file:

  1. Navigate to and select the folder where you store your files.
  2. From the top menu, choose Add Content >> File or Image.
  3. Note that all of the files to be uploaded cannot collectively exceed the 9.7 MB file size limit.
  4. Browse and select, or drag and drop the files you wish to upload. When more than one file is selected, Cascade will activate the bulk-file upload feature.
  5. Submit.
  6. Once you have uploaded your files, you will need to edit each of them to provide the required Display Name.

*Note: Uploading a zip archive is still an option. It is now built into the standard upload process.

Visit the help pages to learn more about uploading images, documents and zip archives.

Happy editing!
