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Clean System Names

Fall is a busy season for new and experienced Cascade users, and it’s also a great time to clean up any messy system names you may have in your folder structure. The system name forms the URL for your page, therefore it’s essential to use lowercase letters and no spaces, or separate words using a ( – ).

Why is this important?

  • The server is case sensitive, so if your system name contains uppercase letters and you manually type it or link to it as a URL with lowercase letters, your link will be broken.
  • Uppercase letters can lead to problems in your analytics data.
  • System names with spaces will result in messy URLs. For example, if the system name is “about us”, the URL will read Instead use aboutus or about-us for a nice, clean URL.

Remember to use short, descriptive words when entering your system name. This makes it easier for Google and your users to see what the page is about.