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Suzanne Clavet

Suzanne Clavet

Director of Media Relations

Phone: 757-221-1631
Email: [[suzanne]]
Duties: University spokesperson and lead media contact for the university. Also directs media relations strategy and outreach and is responsible for media and other filming requests on campus. Additional responsibilities include issue management, breaking news response, serving as the PIO for the William & Mary Police Department and supporting the university's Emergency Management Team as a member of the Emergency Communications Team.

About Suzanne

William & Mary is a special place. You don't have to be on campus for very long before you feel it. My time here has flown by. I served first as an information manager, then director of news marketing and now director of news & media. In the course of my work I have had the opportunity to meet with numerous faculty members, staff and administrators. I've also had the pleasure of interacting with countless students. I always learn something.

Many of my colleagues come from a background in journalism. I do not. I graduated in ... oh, let's just say, some time ago with a degree in international relations. My career in communications is far from the career in foreign service I had planned. But I love it. My passion for media relations stems from my love a good story. I enjoy the art of placing those stories and getting reporters to the information they seek.

I'm a political junky, though not like I use to be. I enjoy music, comedy and a good penny slot machine. I've recently taken up remote control sailing and it is so much fun.  Also hoping one day I'll have both the time and the money to travel, my once every few decades trips abroad have only served to whet the appetite.