Green Transit Design
Expand and incentivize green transportation options on and off-campus by collaborating locally and regionally.
Parking & Transportation, Auxiliary Services
Climate Action Roadmap
- Prioritize placement of electric vehicle chargers in high demand areas on the VIMS campus by 2022 and on the main campus by 2023.
- Adopt a park-once model that encourages parking in a specific, designated area on campus and taking more sustainable modes of transportation to reduce idling and micro-trip emissions by 2023.
- Explore funding options for prioritizing the expansion and addition of bicycle and pedestrian lanes by 2023.
- Reduce emissions generated from the first and last miles of travel on campus through human-powered and electric transportation options by 2024.
- Streamline logistics of greenhouse gas emitting resources used in fulfillment and production of the food programs at W&M by consolidating vending machines, exploring sustainable packaging options, and prioritizing hyper-local or bulk procurement to reduce supply chain transportation by 2030.