Research & Scholarship
Encourage academic units to further incorporate climate and sustainability into research and scholarship.
Office of the Provost
Climate Action Roadmap
- Increase collaborative sustainability teaching and research by allocating funding for one interdisciplinary team through the Reveley Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program by 2022.
- Engage undergraduate research programs (e.g. Monroe Scholars, WM Sure) to promote opportunities in sustainability research and the career paths this enables by 2023.
- Expand sustainability research funds and offerings, potentially in areas such as summer research funding by 2023.
- Increase dedicated all-university postdoc teacher-scholar programs focused on sustainability, modeled after the A&S Environmental Science & Policy postdoc program by 2025. Each postdoc mentors students in sustainability research and teaches new sustainability courses
- Review merit, retention, tenure, and promotion policies and processes for the potential to include achievements in sustainability (broadly conceived and inclusive of efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion) teaching and research by 2030.