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The William & Mary community will come together for W&M Professional Development Week 2025, Feb. 24-28. Connect with experts from the W&M community via virtual panels and workshops to explore your career path, discover strategies to inspire your team and unlock the power of meaningful partnerships. Professional Development Week is free and open to all W&M alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends.
Any event can be a green event- check out our tips or planning in an environmentally friendly way!
What is a Green Event?
What is a “green” event? It’s an event that refers to a strategy used to make an event planned more sustainable. Green events reduce resource use, reuse what is possible, and recycle or compost 90% of the event’s waste. A green event organizer emphasizes resource stewardship and sustainable practices. Green events make a difference to environmental and organizational value, and demonstrate how gatherings can be held sustainably.
Why a Green Event?
In 2018, Americans threw out 292.4 million tons of waste, of that number, 69 million tons were recycled and 25 million tons were composted. Unfortunately, the amount of waste produced increased from 2013 by about 15.12%, but the percentage of waste recycled/composted decreased by around 2.1% from 5 years earlier.
Food and packaging/containers account for almost 45% of landfilled materials. Most of the waste materials sent to the landfill can be re-utilized by recycling, reusing, or composting, which can reduce greenhouse gases generated, decrease environmental impacts, reduce health and odor concerns with food disposal and more for our future generations. Buying in bulk means you are using less packaging and fewer delivery miles, so less fuel is used and fewer pollutants are emitted into the air. This often also makes your purchases more economically friendly!
Planning is the most important phase in greening an event and reducing resource use. These are a few considerations for your planning committee. Determining your event format and message is crucial!
Steps for planning for a greener event.
Use digital media where possible, and printed media strategically.
Print on recycled content or FSC Certified paper.
Consider Your Energy Use
Hold your event outdoors, in LEED-certified buildings, or pull up the shades and use natural light if appropriate.
Try to adjust to different seasons. For example, wearing a sweater in the winter rather than turning up the heat, and recognizing that turning the AC up in the summer is not always necessary.
Encourage your guests to carpool and use alternative transportation such as biking, walking, or public transit.
If attendees and speakers are traveling great distances, encourage them to offset their greenhouse gas emissions, or explore how you may do this for the event (if your funding type allows).
Events with Activities
For events with activities consider the following options (semester dependent)
Yoga sessions
Nature and tree/plant ID walks
Greenhouse tours
Hydroponic wall tours
VIMS tours
Trash Clean-ups
Partner with another organization or department to discover the intersections between your organization and sustainability
Giveaways and Swags
Avoid giveaways that will produce waste or become waste, particularly plastics.
Consider the distance that items will be shipped, what they are made of, and how those that are making them are compensated. Give preference to items that are sustainably produced by those receiving appropriate compensation.
Think about what your audience will actually use/need and what type of lifestyle your item will promote.
Food is a major part of an event. Consider your food selection, food recovery, catering, and communications as you plan for your event!
Steps for food selection, food recovery, catering and communication.
Food Selection
Consider the type and variety of food you will serve, as well as the distance it must travel. These factors contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, resources use, and nutritional value. Try to prioritize plant-based options (vegan/vegetarian), typically catering is good with offering these alternatives.
Ask your caterer for local and seasonal options.
Consider serving vegan and vegetarian options, or going light on the meat.
Explore whole grains and less-processed foods.
W&M Catering provides local, sustainable, vegan/vegetarian options. Contact the catering office for up-to-date trends and customizable menus.
Reach out to to request a special plant-based menu for your event!
Search options in AmericaToGo by filtering for sustainable or SWaM vendors
Food Recovery
Avoid over-ordering and purchasing.
For large events, express your interest in food recovery options with your catering provider as early as possible.
Catering providers must store unserved food properly before, during and after an event for it to be eligible for recovery.
Catering providers will often require recovery groups to sign waivers.
Food that has been served is not safe or acceptable for most recovery programs.
Consider connecting with the student organization, W&M Food Recovery Network to find local non-profits willing and able to collect safely stored, unserved food from your event.
Food already served? Set up with students in advance to share on social media that there is free food available for a short period after the event. Hungry students nearby will swing in to grab a bite on the go.
Catering and Communications
Express your interest in green options with your caterer from the beginning, at least two weeks in advance. Early notice provides them time to determine if they are able to make the event greener or if there will be any additional cost.
W&M Catering offers the following:
An emphasis on local and sustainable food
Chef crafted vegan and vegetarian options
Compostable service ware, plates, bowls, and cups
Compost bins
Signs labeling the compost bins and informational table signs
Drink station with coolers/pitchers/thermos
Consultation on reduced waste serving, such as buffet-style
Elimination of single-use plastics
Off-campus catering providers
Notify your caterer that you want to opt-out of single-use items.
Notify your caterer that you do not want any single-serve packets.
Specify the type of service ware you would like to use.
For a list of local green caterers, try using America to Go
America to Go
If purchasing through America to Go, please use the sustainability filters to help determine what options are available through local restaurants.
One small change can lead to a huge difference. Think about decoration, service ware, waste station plans, and what bins you are using.
Steps to eliminate single-use items, determine serviceware needs, waste station plan, and recycling/waste bins.
Eliminate Single-Use Items
Evaluate your decorations, table coverings, trays, service ware, and giveaways for the event. Purchase materials that can be washed and reused or composted.
Avoid foil-wrapped butter, individually wrapped utensils, plastic coffee stirrers, and other individually packaged items.
Consider if there are any items better served in bulk (large containers):
Ketchup, salt and pepper, salad dressings, and etc. Plastic packets are not recyclable or compostable and can contaminate the compost and recycling.
Determine Your Serviceware Needs
Consider the service ware and decorations you will need and determine whether you will use reusable, compostable or recyclable service ware.
Reusable service ware produces the least waste.
If the event format permits, encourage your attendees to bring their own utensils, water bottles, etc.
Compostable service ware is a good option, but be sure your event will support composting. Compostables in the landfill become contaminated and do not provide the same benefits as composting.
If you choose recyclable service ware, it must be clean of food waste before it can be recycled.
Avoid using materials made up of styrofoam/polystyrene, as it is a landfill item.
Waste Station Plan
Know what you want to accept at your waste station. If you will be composting, consider having your station manned by trained volunteers or staffto ensure the station is never cross-contaminated with other waste. This also helps inform people who don’t have the same baseline knowledge when it comes to sorting waste.
Campus bin liners should follow this standard:
Black bag = trash
Clear bag = recycling
Green biodegradable bag = compostables
Purchase compostable gloves in case they have to handle food waste.
W&M is a mixed recycling campus, all recyclables go into one bin and are sorted at the recycling facility.
Recycling containers for outdoor events can be reserved through Facilities Management, Work Control. Place a work order or contact Work Control directly for containers.
Most indoor locations already have recycling containers, although this should be confirmed during the site visit.
Recycling containers for indoor events should be reserved through the building’s event coordinator if not already in the rooms.
W&M was one of the first Virginia universities to institute a dining hall composting program! Compostables are collected from the campus by Natural Organic Processes Enterprise (NOPE), and taken to an industrial facility in Waverly, VA.
What can and cannot be composted, composting locations and options, composting event formats and purchasing compostable items.
What CAN and CANNOT be composted?
Unlike at-home composting, industrial composting allows W&M to accept all food and many compostable items.
ALL food waste (including meats, bones and dairy)
Napkins and paper towels
Compostable plates, cups, and utensils
Wooden coffee stirrer
Non-plastic tea bags (but not the packet)
Coffee grounds
Sugar packets
Pizza boxes
Plastics #1 and #2 (recyclable if clean)
Paper and cardboard
Cans and metal
Wax-line cartons (recyclable if clean)
Wax-lined paper cups (Trash)
Single-serve condiment packets (ketchup, dressing or sauce packets)
Plastic bags/wrap
When in doubt, throw it out!
Composting Locations and Options
Currently, there are more than 15 composting bins across campus! You can find the one nearest you using this map! These bins accept any compostable item, loose or in a compostable bag.
All W&M dining halls compost pre- and post-consumer food waste behind the scenes.
Pre-consumer is the food scraps that are created while you are cooking or preparing food (stems, seeds, corn husk, etc.), while post-consumer is what gets left behind on someone’s plate!
How to make your event compost-friendly!
Sit-Down Meals & Reusable Serviceware
Composting for food can be added to W&M Catering events.
If present, serving staff can scrape plates into compost bins.
Self-Serve Meals & Compostable Serviceware:
Make it easy. Ask people to sort as little as possible. Compost bins contaminated with non-compostables must be landfilled.
Reduce waste and confusion by eliminating/reducing non-compostable items such as individual creamers, ketchup packets, chip bags, plastic/wax paper wrapping, and so on. Ideally, everything being discarded should be compostable.
Provide compostable plates, cups, and service ware. Line bins with compostable bags.
Post signage and make announcements so attendees are aware of what goes where.
If through W&M catering, staff will properly deposit the compost collection.
If you will not have catering staff at your event, designate someone in your organization to be in charge of bringing compostable waste to the nearest compost bin.
Purchasing compostable items
Compostable bags
Request compostable bags from W&M Catering when you order food from W&M Catering.
Compostable bags can also be purchased online.
OfficeMax, Amazon or Eco-Products have compostable materials that are BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) certified.
As compostable items continue to improve and become more accessible, you can find compostable replacements of most single-use plastic items almost anyware!
Clear directions and information are important for a successful green event. Make sure to put up enough signs to direct your event participants to the right waste stations and information on what can and cannot be recycled or composted.
Signages to display at the event
Where to post signs?
Post signs at the bins to clarify what is accepted.
Keep in mind that if using plant-based catering, you can include a sign explaining why the food chosen for an event is vegetarian/vegan.
Post signs on the table to remind guests of the compostable products and/or sustainable food.
Downloadable Graphics
Preparation can be tedious but we got you covered! Here's a day-of-checklist to help you run through everything again.
We would love to highlight your office/department/organization for participating in our effort for a greener campus! If you have used our Green-Your-Event Guide and want to be featured on our social media platforms and webpage, please email details and photos of your event to