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For Funded Projects

Congratulations on receiving a Green Fee grant!
As an awardee, there are certain expectations and responsibilities that come with your grant.

Do not make out-of-pocket purchases. All purchasing should be done by a W&M staff or faculty member through appropriate university avenues and following university purchasing guidelines. 

The purchaser identified on your proposal submission is responsible for making the purchases for your project and ensuring procurement guidelines are followed. Please work with them directly to charge items and services to your Green Fee index. 


As an awardee, it is your responsibility to track your purchases and budget. Please do not go over your awarded amount and if any purchases need to be changed from the original proposal, please contact Sustain


At the time of the award, recipients of Green Fee Funds are required to submit a short summary paragraph about their project for publication on the website and press release. Each semester following the receipt of funds, the project leader will submit a brief progress report describing the status of work and any results achieved.

Progress Report

A final report is due upon completion of the project. This will include a request for the number of individuals impacted by your event (i.e. attendance at an event, students in a working group), funds spent, and a description of the project's success. 

Final Report


Student led projects must have a faculty or staff advisor at all times. Advisors provide consistency, longevity, and a responsible university employee to a project. Student projects without an advisor are subject to review and possible closure.


Unless awarded specific exception, Green Fee grants are not meant to be permanent accounts. They are created to fund a project for a specific amount of time (often 1-2 yrs or less), and progress is expected to be made each semester towards completion of the project. If a project cannot be completed in a reasonable amount of time, it may be subject to closure.

Moving Funds

Green Fee funds are spent from their univeristy account. Funds cannot be moved from the Green Fee to another account for expenditure. Funds cannot be withdrawn as cash before a purchase. Any funds not spent at the end of the project remain with the Green Fee.