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Procedures for Sponsoring On-Campus Mobile Food Vendors

Responsible Office:  Supply Chain Services Office, Public Safety and the Parking & Transportation Department

Procedures Contact:


To establish the process by which university departments, offices and recognized student organizations can sponsor Mobile Food Vendors to park and operate on University Premises.


These procedures apply to all university units and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).  Only university units and RSOs can sponsor Mobile Food Vendors to park or operate on University Premises.


Supply Chain Services, the Office of Public Safety and the Parking & Transportation Department oversee the procedures.  When on a VIMS campus, VIMS Facilities Management will oversee the procedures.


All Mobile Food Vendors sponsored to operate on University Premises must maintain a current health permit through the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), complete a Mobile Food Truck Inspection Request, and submit a registration confirmation with the university.  Requests for Mobile Food Vendor inspections shall be submitted to the W&M: Fire Safety Office or VIMS: VIMS Office of Safety and Environmental Programs at least 7 business days prior to the event and be registered and approved within the University’s contracted online catering platform. VIMS requests shall be submitted to Mobile Food Vendors who fail to comply with these procedures may be asked to leave University Premises.


Designated Parking Space means a designated space/area identified by the W&M University Parking & Transportation Department / VIMS: VIMS Facilities Management as available for use by Mobile Food Vendors.

Mobile Food Vendor (MFV) means a self-contained food service operation, located in a readily movable motorized, wheeled, self-propelled or towed vehicle, used to store, prepare, display, or serve food intended for individual portion service. Mobile Food Vendors do not include vendors that have signed a property lease with the university, or student groups with an operating agreement for the location at which they are selling food.

University Premises means property owned or controlled by the university. This definition includes the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) Gloucester Point location.

University Sponsor means a university unit or an RSO, that wishes to arrange for a Mobile Food Vendor to serve at a special event at a location outside of a Designated Parking Space.


  1. Regardless of funding source (even for pass-throughs), University Sponsors must coordinate with the University Parking & Transportation Office to identify an approved location. To operate safely, an adequate distance must be provided between the MFV and buildings and vehicles.    Parking & Transportation will confirm the location with the University Sponsor no later than three days prior to the special event.
    • The Mobile Food Vendor may occupy and leave the event space as noted in the Mobile Food Truck Inspection Request. University Sponsors must adhere to the university’s procedures for the reservation of University facilities.
  2. Any University Sponsor wishing to bring an MFV to operate on the university’s campus (regardless of how payment to Mobile Food Vendor will be handled) must ensure that the MFV is registered with the university’s online catering platform. To become a registered vendor with the university, MFVs should contact
  3. Any University Sponsor wishing to bring a Mobile Food Vendor to operate on University Premises must verify the MFV is registered and approved in the University’s e-catering platform, . If the MFV is not currently active in the e-catering platform, please contact with the MFV name and contact information. The MFV must be active in advance of submitting a Mobile Food Truck Inspection Request.  When operating on University Premises, a Mobile Food Vendor must always be prepared to share its VDH health permit and a current VDH inspection report. Contact VIMS Office of Safety and Environmental Programs for validation when on VIMS Campus.
  4. Mobile Food Vendors may only park in Designated Parking Spaces between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday-Friday, including setup and breakdown times. 
    • While located on University Premises, Mobile Food Vendors must maintain a mobile-ready vehicle with its own power and water sources and must adhere to campus policies on official beverage sponsorships, alcohol, tobacco, and noise. At close of business, Mobile Food Vendors must remove from University Premises all forms of waste, recyclables, and compostable products resulting from their presence to the extent located within 100 feet of the Designated Parking Space.
    • Mobile Food Vendors must prevent the disposal of any materials, including rinse or wash waters, any spilled materials, or any waste, into streets, gutters, storm drains, or creeks. Each truck should carry an oil spill containment kit.
    • Vehicles and equipment must be free of leaking fluids. Any leaking equipment must be immediately removed from campus. The burden and cost of remediating any leak will be the sole responsibility of the Mobile Food Vendor owner/operator.
    • Mobile Food Vendors must label, use, store and dispose of all hazardous waste in compliance with all Federal, State and local laws.
    • Mobile Food Vendors, other than University Food Trucks, may not refuel trucks or generators on university property. University Food Trucks may refuel vehicles only at Fleet Services or off campus.   Propane tanks can only be filled at authorized filling stations off campus.
    • Food trucks must comply with Section 319 of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (SFPC) as applicable. Any mobile food vendors from out of state must be inspected by the Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office prior to operating on campus.  All food trucks operating on the University Premises are subject to inspection by the University Fire Safety Officer or designee. Food Trucks found not in compliance with the SFPC may be asked to cease operations and/or may be asked to leave campus property until the identified deficiencies are corrected.
    • Event hosts/coordinators are responsible for submitting a Special Event Support request when special parking accommodations are needed to facilitate the event. Set aside space requests must be submitted to Parking Services at least five (5) business days in advance of the event.
  5. Mobile Food Vendors shall comply with all requests from Supply Chain Services, Public Safety, Parking & Transportation and Fire Safety regarding the safety of the campus and the operations of the university, which includes requests to relocate or to leave University premises. When on a VIMS campus, VIMS Facilities Management will oversee the procedures.


For questions regarding the procedures, contact the Supply Chain Services or the W&M Parking & Transportation Department