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Answers-On-The-Go is an initiative started by the Office of Academic Wellbeing to offer academic resources and support at various locations on campus to “meet students where they are” and foster greater connections between our office and students.

Specifically, through Answers-On-The-Go, Academic Wellbeing participates in tabling opportunities, hosts workshop events, and offers body doubling study opportunities. 


During the 2023-2024 academic year, Academic Wellbeing hosted 4 different workshops. These workshops were offered on multiple days and times over the course of both semesters to increase visibility and attendance. The four workshops were: One Stop Shop, Winter Wellness, Level Up, and Finals Survival. These workshops are typically skills- and resource-based workshops with resources for mental wellness incorporated into them during finals. 

Interested in partnering for a workshop? Please contact us at for your initial inquiry. 

Body Doubling Study Opportunities

New this academic year, Answers-On-The-Go will offer body doubling study opportunities to students who may need an extra source of accountability while studying or doing homework. *For those who may not know, body doubling is doing independent work alongside another person modeling positive study habits.* Several students indicated an interest in being able to work alongside someone who wouldn't distract them but would help hold them accountable and stay motivated while they worked.  

For the Fall 2024 semester, Body Doubling will take place weekly on Monday evenings from 5-7:15PM in the Academic Wellbeing conference room, Suite 184 

Have questions or want more information? Please feel free to stop by the office or email us at