If personnel already completed the "old" CITI courses to their account, then those courses' certificates can count in place of the newly created courses. For example, the "AREA III research ethics" course is equivalent to the "Non-animal Responsible Conduct of Research." The personnel who have yet to add any of the courses to their account should add the new courses based on the guidelines below.
What is CITI?
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) provides training for committee members (IACUC, IRB, & IBC), principal investigators, students, and staff with online instruction that documents compliance with various federal mandates. These trainings must be renewed every four (4) years.
CITI Certificates and Research Protocols
Once all trainings are completed, please share your certificates with your Principal Investigator (PI). CITI certificates of all associated personnel must be kept in a secure location that can be easily accessible by research staff. The PI of record must certify personnel have been trained and verify training pre-dates participation in the project.
Protocols cannot be approved until all associated personnel have completed the required CITI trainings.
Note: CITI defines the specific classes as "modules," and the entire modules are grouped into "courses"
Completing Required CITI Trainings
CITI trainings are not assigned by the Research Compliance office. To determine the trainings appropriate for you, please follow the directions outlined in the sections below depending on whether you have a CITI account and what research committee (IACUC, IRB, IBC) review your protocol(s).
If you are listed as personnel on protocols for various committees, please make sure to complete the requiredtrainings for every applicablecommittee.
Getting Started in CITI
Table has dropdown for specific research committees.
I don't have a William & Mary CITI account. How do I take the CITI courses?
Required courses will NOT automaticallyappear in your account. You will need to follow the instructions below to ADD the required courses to your account.
Click "Select your Institutional Organization" and type in "William & Mary"
Check the two boxes that appear, then click, "Create a CITI Program Account"
Enter your log in credentials
Please use your legal name and the email provided on your directory page as the "institutional email address" when completing the form
Complete your security questions
Add your country of resident and answer the last question. (You do not need to enter an ORCID)
Click "Finalize Registration"
Unless directed otherwise, CITI courses are not used for Continuing Education
Select your courses by answering the enrollment questions based on your committee association (see sections below)
Updates to the enrollment questions are in the works.
Please see your PI to ensure you complete the correct trainings. If you are still unsure, please reach out researchcompliance@wm.edu
I already have a William & Mary CITI account. How do I add more courses?
Required courses will NOT automaticallyappear in your account. You will need to follow the instructions below to ADD the required courses to your account.
Under "Institutional Courses" in the middle of the webpage, select "View Courses" next to "William & Mary"
Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see "Learner Tools for William & Mary" and click "Add a course"
Retake the enrollment questionnaire.
Please see the section below, "Courses Required by Research Committee" to determine which courses you will need to take based on the research committee and your role.
Click on each header below to review course enrollment instructions for each committee. If your research protocol will be going to different committees, make sure that you add allthe applicablecourses to your account.
Note: Investigators are anypersonnel who are directly involved in the research protocol (i.e. staff, students, etc.).
UPDATED: 09/09/2024
Table has dropdown for specific research committees.
IACUC (Animal Oversight)
Personnel involved in the care and use of any vertebrateanimals in the laboratory or the field must complete specific CITI modules.
Use the outline below to answer the questions in "Enrollment Questionnaire." After answering the questionnaire, the courses will be added to your account.
Question 1: Skip
Question 2: Skip
Question 3: Select one of the following choices based on your association
IACUC Chairs also need to take the "IACUC Member"
Must also take "IACUC Investigator" course if they have IACUC protocols
IACUC Members
Includes all members of IACUC - chairs, non-affiliated members, etc.
IACUC Members also need to take the "IACUC Investigator" course if they have IACUC protocols
IACUC Investigator
Includes ALL IACUC Investigators, staff, and students
IACUC Members also need to take this course if they have IACUC protocols
Question 4: Select a course dependent on your research area
Take if you plan on using mice and/or rats that require post-operative care
Question 5: Skip
Question 6: Skip
Question 7: Select "Responsible Conduct of Research – Animal Subjects"
Question 8: Select "Conflict of Interest - Basic"
Question 9: Export Compliance/Controls
Take if you are working with international collaborators or foreign nationals based in the US or elsewhere. Also includes if you will be sending information/materials outside of the US
Please see the header "Export Compliance Course" for more details
Once you've completed the questionnaire, you should see the following courses added to your account if you're...
An investigator (student, staff, faculty)
Investigators, Staff and Students - IACUC
Responsible Conduct of Research – Animal Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
At least one of the following courses (if applicable to your research)
Working with Amphibians in Research Settings - IACUC
Working with Fish in Research Settings - IACUC
Working with Mice in Research - IACUC
Working with Mice in Research - IACUC
Working With Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Research Settings - IACUC
Wildlife Research
Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats - IACUC
Export Controls (if added; not required for all)
A committee member
IACUC Committee Member
Responsible Conduct of Research – Animal Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
Responsible Conduct of Research – Animal Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
IRB (Human Ethics)
Institutional Review Board (IRB) training is required by all personnel involved in humansubject research before the commencement of research.
Use the outline below to answer the questions in "Enrollment Questionnaire." After answering the questionnaire, the courses will be added to your account.
Question 1:
IRB Chair
Chairs also need to take the "IRB Member"
Must also take "IRB Investigator" (either Social-Behavioral or Biomedical) course if they have IRB protocols
IRB Members
Includes all members of IRB- chairs, non-affiliated members, etc.
IRB Members also need to take the "IRB Investigator" (either Social-Behavioral or Biomedical) course if they have IRB protocols
IRB Investigators: Social & Behavioral Research
Select if your work primarily focuses on social-behavioral research
IRB Investigators: Biomedical Research
Select this course if you are studying an atypical clinical population
Examples would be: stroke recovery, older participants and memory testing, research with language deficits, etc.
Question 2: If you are working with a protected population or international researchers, please select ALL the courses below that apply to your protocols. "Good Clinical Practice" is required if your study is/will be funded by the NIH.
Social-Behavioral Research with Prisoners
Social-Behavioral Research with Children
Social-Behavioral International Research
Biomedical Research Involving Prisoners
Biomedical Research Involving Children
Biomedical Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, and Neonates
Good Clinical Practice
Question 3: Skip
Question 4: Skip
Question 5: Skip
Question 6: Skip
Question 7: Select "Responsible Conduct of Research – Human Subjects"
Question 8: Select "Conflict of Interest - Basic"
Question 9: Export Compliance/Controls
Take if you are working with international collaborators or foreign nationals based in the US or elsewhere. Also includes if you will be sending information/materials outside of the US
Please see the header "Export Compliance Course" for more details
Once you've completed the questionnaire, you should see the following courses added to your account if you're...
An investigator (student, staff, faculty)
One of the following:
Area II: Social & Behavioral Research Investigators - PHSC
Area III: Biomedical Research Investigators - PHSC
One of the following if it applies to your research:
Social & Behavioral Research with Prisoners
Social & Behavioral Research Children
Social & Behavioral Research International Research
Biomedical Research Involving Prisoners
Biomedical Research Involving Children
Biomedical Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, and Neonates
CITI Good Clinical Practice Course
Responsible Conduct of Research – Human Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
Export Controls (if added; not required for all)
A committee member
IRB Committee Members - PHSC
Responsible Conduct of Research – Human Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
IRB Chair
IRB Chairs - PHSC
Responsible Conduct of Research – Human Subjects
Conflict of Interest - Basic
IBC (Hazard Safety)
CITI training related to handling biohazards is required for all lab personnel working on a project that requires IBC approval.
Use the outline below to answer the questions in "Enrollment Questionnaire." After answering the questionnaire, the courses will be added to your account.
Question 1: Skip
Question 2: Skip
Question 3: Skip
Question 4: Skip
Question 5: Select all the choices that apply to your role.
IBC Chair
Chairs also need to take the "IBC Member"
Must also take "IBC Investigator" course if they have IBC protocols
IBC Committee Member
Includes all members of IBC - chairs, non-affiliated members, etc.
IRB Members also need to take the "IBC Investigator" course if they have IRB protocols
IBC Investigator
Includes ALL IBC Investigators, staff, and students
IBC Members also need to take this course if they have IBC protocols
IBC Officer or Environmental Health and Safety Professional
Course is only for the EH&S Director or professional serving on the IBC board
Question 6: Select all the choices that apply to your research.
Shipping and Transport of Regulated Biological Materials
USDA Permits
Question 7: Select "Non-human/non-animal Responsible Conduct of Research" unless you are working with animals or humans.
Question 8: Select "Conflict of Interest - Basic"
Question 9: Export Compliance/Controls
Take if you are working with international collaborators or foreign nationals based in the US or elsewhere. Also includes if you will be sending information/materials outside of the US
Please see the header "Export Compliance Course" for more details
Once you've completed the questionnaire, you should see the following courses added to your account if you're...
An investigator (student, staff, faculty)
Training for Investigators, Staff and Students Handling Biohazards - IBC
One of the following if it applies to your research:
Animal Biosafety - IBC
Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
Human Gene Transfer Trials
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens - IBC
Select Agents, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism - IBC/Safety
Shipping and Transport of Regulated Biological Materials - IBC/Safety
USDA Permits
Non-Human-Non-Animal Responsible Conduct of Research
Conflict of Interest - Basic
Export Controls (if added; not required for all)
A committee member
Institutional Biosafety Committee Member Course - IBC
Non-Human-Non-Animal Responsible Conduct of Research
Conflict of Interest - Basic
IBC Chair
IBC Chair
Non-Human-Non-Animal Responsible Conduct of Research
Conflict of Interest - Basic
No Committee Affiliation - Responsible Conduct of Research / Conflict of Interest
If you are performing research and are not submitting protocols for review to a particular committee, you are still required to take CITI training per federal regulations. You are advised to take any additional coursework that pertains to your area of study.
Use the outline below to answer the questions in "Enrollment Questionnaire." After answering the questionnaire, the courses will be added to your account.
Question 1: Skip
Question 2: Skip
Question 3: Skip
Question 4: Skip
Question 5: Skip
Question 6: Skip
Question 7: Select one of the three options depending on your research or project:
Responsible Conduct of Research – Human Subjects if you're working on human subject research
Responsible Conduct of Research – Animal Subjects if you're working with animals
Non-human/non-animal Responsible Conduct of Research if you are not working with animals or humans.
Question 8: Select "Conflict of Interest - Basic"
Question 9: Export Compliance/Controls
Take if you are working with international collaborators or foreign nationals based in the US or elsewhere. Also includes if you will be sending information/materials outside of the US
Please see the header "Export Compliance Course" for more details
Export Compliance CITI Course
Modules within this course are required by all personnel if your research project involves international collaborators, foreign nationals (based in the US or elsewhere), or if you will be sending information/materials outside of the US.
Required Modules:
Introduction to Export Compliance
Export Compliance for Researchers
Export Compliance and United States Sanctions Programs
Supplemental Modules (take the additional courses below depending on your research project)
Export Compliance When Using Technology in Research
Required if you are working with technology
Export Compliance and Biosafety
Required if you are working with biohazardous materials
Export Compliance for International Shipping
Required if you are planning on sending items outside the US
Export Compliance and Purchasing
Required if you are purchasing items from outside the US
Export Compliance and International and Foreign Waters
Required if you are working in international waters (e.g. marine science)
Export Compliance and Collaborations
Required if you are collaborating with international individuals
Export Compliance and Distance Education
Required if there will be some form of teaching/mentoring from a collaborator abroad/outside the US