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W&M Internal Competition: Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards Program


As a member institution of the ORAU, William & Mary is eligible to put two applicants forward for the “Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards Program." These competitive research awards provide seed money for junior faculty members that often result in additional funding from other sources. The award amount provided by ORAU is $5,000. The applicant’s institution is required to match the award with an additional $5,000, which will be provided by the VPR office.

Full Description
Internal Competition Details

The eligibility criteria for applicants are as follows:

  1. Full-time assistant professors within two years of their initial tenure track appointment (Jan 1, 2023-Jan 7, 2025). NTE professors are not eligible.
  2. Research proposals/interests must fall within one of the following disciplines:
    1. Engineering and Applied Science
    2. Life Sciences
    3. Mathematics/Computer Sciences
    4. Physical Sciences
    5. Policy, Management, or Education
  3. Two internal submissions per department with endorsement from the Chair

Per the ORAU, proposals are evaluated using the criteria below:

  • Scientific/technical merit: Likelihood that research will add to scientific knowledge base
  • Proposed method/approach: Appropriateness of proposed methods to achieve results
  • Applicant's previous research performance: Appropriateness of applicant's research experience to successfully complete the proposed research
  • Adequacy of facilities and resources: Reasonableness of available facilities, equipment/instrumentation, research staff, and any support staff requirements
  • Likelihood research will lead to fundable research and/or publishable work
  • Overall quality of application
Required Materials for Internal Competition

Interested applicants should prepare the following materials (in a PDF format) for the internal competition by Thursday, December 5th.

  1. Nomination letter from department chair
  2. Two-page research proposal (covering the following items)
    1. Research goals and objectives and relevant background
    2. Expected research outcomes and relevance
    3. Research design and methodology
    4. Competence of the applicant to perform the proposed research
    5. Available research facilities and resources
    6. Budget justification
    7. Additional single page of references relating to the proposal (optional)
  3. CV/Resume of Applicant and 1-page publication/presentation list

Submit Materials Here

Applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Research Committee (FRC) and selected applicants will be notified by December 13th.  The chosen applicants will receive an email from the VPR with special link to PeerNet along with instructions.

Questions? Email

Additional Information for Applicants:

The deadline for the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards Program applications for FY 2025 awards is Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 12:00 PM (noon) EST

For step-by-step instructions for ORAU’s PeerNet application intake system and specific information on required documents, visit Instructions for ORAU Member Councilors and Application Instructions for Faculty Members on ORAU’s Research and University Partnerships website.

For more information, visit Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards and be sure to click the “In This Section” dropdown to select other helpful pages including FAQs.