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2024 NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program


The Major Research Instrumentation program supports requests for up to $4 million from NSF for the development or acquisition of multi-user research instruments that are critical to the advancement of science and engineering. Interested applicants should submit the below list of materials via Box file upload by 10/15/2024. Full proposals are due to the NSF by November 15th at 5pm.

Full Description
Synopsis of Program from NSF:

The Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program (MRI Program Website) serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our Nation's institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition of a multi-user research instrument that is commercially available through direct purchase from a vendor, or for the personnel costs and equipment that are required for the development of an instrument with new capabilities, thereby advancing instrumentation capabilities and enhancing expertise for instrument design and fabrication at academic institutions. MRI instruments are, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs.

MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides support to obtain next-generation research instruments by developing instruments with new capabilities that open new opportunities to advance the frontiers in science and engineering research. Additionally, an MRI award is expected to enhance research training of students who will become the next generation of instrument users, designers and builders.

Funding Information

An MRI proposal may request up to $4 million for either acquisition or development of a research instrument.

Each performing organization may submit in revised “Tracks”William & Mary may select up to 4 MRI proposals based on the Track as defined below. VIMS and WM will be counted as the same institution.

  • Track 1: Track 1 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000 and less than $1,400,000 – up to 2 submissions
  • Track 2: Track 2 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $1,400,000 up to and including $4,000,000 – up to 1 submission
  • Track 3 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,000 and less than or equal to $4,000,000 for requests that include the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation to reduce consumption of helium – up to 1 submission

Cost sharing requirements for new awards in the MRI Program are waived for a period of 5 years beginning with the FY 2023 MRI competition. When required, cost-sharing must be precisely 30%. Cost sharing is required for Ph.D.-granting institutions of higher education and for non-degree-granting organizations. Inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited.

Internal Submissions

NSF limits the number of applications a given institution may submit. The Faculty Research Committee (FRC) is responsible for reviewing the proposals and selecting those proposals that will move forward.

We request that interested parties inform the FRC ( and their OSP administrator if you plan to submit a proposal. It is possible for an institution to submit up to four proposals within specified "track" limits described in the program announcement. If you are not sure who is your OSP Administrator, visit and click the drop-down “Department” to find your department’s assigned administrator.  

Interested applicants should submit the following list of materials via Box (see link below) by 10/15/2024. Please also reach out to when you have submitted the documents so that we can ensure the application has the required elements. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Emma Gourdie and Steven Mamer ( or Margaret Saha, FRC Chair ( 


Due Dates for Submission Process
  1. Internal Applications due 10/15/24 by 11:59 PM
  2. Committee Decisions by 10/22/24
  3. Applicant(s) notified by 10/23/24
  4. Applicant submits to by 11/15/24
Required Materials for Internal Submission

All materials must be uploaded in PDF format with the last name of the uploading PI in the title. Please see the Box link below for specific naming conventions for each document.  


Table lists materials and their requirements for the internal submission process.
Material Max Page Length
Requirements of Material
Cover Sheet
1 page
  1. Clearly indicate the consortium nature of the proposal in the title
  2. Identify the PI and co-PI(s)
See the NSF solicitation for details about the cover sheet.
Project description 2 pages
  1. the proposed instrumentation, 
  2. the need for the instrumentation, 
  3. the potential impact of the instrumentation, 
  4. a description of the proposed development process for the instrumentation if applicable (include a clear indication of which funding track the proposal targets in this statement) 
Budget plan and justification 2 pages

From NSF:
Provide standard yearly and cumulative budget pages as described in the PAPPG. For the purposes of this solicitation, the Total Project Cost is considered to be the amount requested from NSF (Line L). All budget items, including those for maintenance in acquisition proposals and personnel support in development proposals must be well-justified in the Budget Justification and commensurate with the scale and complexity of the instrument and/or development effort. The budget justification must explain the basis of the cost estimates, consistent with their allowability under the MRI solicitation. 

Note: A cost share/match is not required (nor allowed) for this proposal. However, when a match is required for a limited submission funding opportunity, the applicant must confirm with the FRC and VPR the amount and sources of the proposed match. 

Management plan 1-page
  1. the proposed location for the instrument
  2. how the instrument will be supported
CVs or Biosketches NA
  1. Must be up-to-date
  2. Submit for all team members (can be submitted as a single document or multiple documents)