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Campus News


Judge John Charles Thomas, a longtime member of the Board of Visitors, delivered a rousing speech as part of the university’s Opening Convocation ceremony in the Wren Yard.


Maggie Burkhart Evans, who previously served as executive assistant to the president of James Madison University, started as W&M’s associate vice president for campus living and director of residence life Aug. 14.


Representing New Zealand, the team ended with a top-five small delegation finish. Eight students won individual commendation or diplomacy awards.

Spike Lee to speak at W&M

Filmmaker Spike Lee will present the 2016 Atwater Lecture at William & Mary April 20.

College presidents declare commitment for a service year

William & Mary President Taylor Reveley and other campus leaders participated in the event, which built upon the Virginia Governor’s Higher Education Presidents’ Summit on the Service Year held at W&M in October 2015.

Collaborate to Educate
W&M students, education experts 'collaborate to educate'

Speakers and students alike gathered at the William & Mary School of Education Saturday, all with a shared passion for exceptional students who deserve additional educational opportunities.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry to speak at King commemoration

The William & Mary community is expected to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. in January with a series of events, including service opportunities for students and a commemoration ceremony with guest speaker Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host and Wake Forest University professor.