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Campus Activism & Advocacy Resources

As students engage in leadership and work for positive social change at William & Mary, some choose activism and advocacy. Civic & Community Engagement, Student Leadership Development, and Student Unions & Engagement have gathered the following resources which may help students navigate these methods on campus and beyond. 

resources for campus activism and advocacy
W&M Policies & Guidance
  • Guidelines for Facilities Use:  This policy outlines use of campus facilities for events, programs and expressive activities.  This page also includes information related to flyer/posting policies, chalking policies, noise restrictions, and how to reserve space.
Campus Resources
  • Registered Student Organizations: Tribelink is your first network to connect with registered student organizations that may share a common interest or have additional resources. 
  • University Committees: many of which have formal roles for students and may be a place for you to have your voice heard.
  • Ways to Flourish Podcast, William & Mary Health and Wellness: These podcasts cover a range of topics centered on mental health and flourishing through challenges. 
  • Outreach Programs and Events, W&M Counseling Center: The Counseling Center offers a variety of workshops and programs to support wellbeing and resilience which may be of support while navigating activism and advocacy. Current programming includes programs for students who are experiencing living in isolation as well as a program focused on racism and discrimination as students of color. 
  • Anti-Racist Allyship Resource for W&M Student Organizations: (PDF)  This two page document links to many resources for anti-racist actions including assessing your organization, engaging in shared learning, and taking direct action. 
  • Anti-racist Bookshelf, W&M Libraries: This virtual bookshelf includes books owned by W&M libraries addressing systemic racism and ways to combat it. 
  • Anti-Racism Resources, Student Leadership Development: This page highlights campus programming, books, documentaries, websites, and other resources for anti-racist learning and action. 
  • Conflict Resolution and Education: this office provides services, support, and resources that empower the William & Mary community to navigate difficult conversations well and resolve issues productively. 
  • W&M Policy & Decision Makers: This is a non-exhaustive list of individuals who affect high-level decisions at the institution. 
    • Board of Visitors. The BOV is the 17 member governing board of William & Mary appointed by the Governor of Virginia. The board recommends and creates policies for academic affairs, student experience, financial affairs, compliance, building and grounds, advancement and other university responsibilities. The board also selects and confirms the university president.

    • President's Office: The President is the chief executive officer of William & Mary who is selected by and reports to the BOV. The President oversees overall operation of William & Mary, including institutional budget, policies, calendar, enrollment, and personnel.  

    • Provost's Office: The Provost is the chief academic officer of William & Mary with oversight of educational programs, activities, personnel, and policies. The Provost has significant budgetary authority and the authority to cancel classes.

    • Chief Diversity Officer: The chief diversity officer provides leadership and coordination for diversity efforts, coordinates diversity and inclusion training, supports university affinity groups, and monitors campus climate and hiring practices related to diversity.

    • Chief Compliance Officer: The chief compliance officer/Title IX coordinator is responsible for preventing, detecting and responding to complaints of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation through The Office of Compliance and Equity.

    • Executive Vice President: The executive vice president for finance and administration manages the university’s financial position, including private funding, and can transact business in the name of University. The EVP also has responsibility for auxiliary services, human resources, and the building and grounds.

Local Resources

While these toolkits may not focus on issues of interest to you, we encourage you to look at the tools within which can be applied across issues. 

  • Better Arguments: The Better Arguments Project is a national civic initiative created to help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have better arguments.
  • ACLU of Virginia: This organization provides general guidelines about free speech, counter-demonstrations, marches, and permits.
  • Campus Free Speech Guide for Students, PEN America: This guide provides resources, case studies, and advice on a wide range of free speech student experiences.
    • Content includes responding to discrimination and harassment, engaging hateful expression, inviting and/or responding to campus speakers, planning peaceful campus protests, and understanding campus climate. 
  • Youth Service America: This organization has templates and tips for contacting local public officials.
  • The Activist Toolkit, Student PIRGs: This Activist Toolkit provides the basic tools to run strong campaigns and win victories for students and the public interest.
    • Content includes resources on recruiting others, leadership development, campaign planning, event organizing, building coalitions, and contacting the media.
  • Youth Activist Toolkit: (PDF) This guide, from Advocated for Youth, is designed for youth activists that want to organize for change. It contains tips and tools gathered from youth activists.
  • Mutual Aid 101 Toolkit: This guide is a non-partisan plan for developing mutual aid support systems that has been used by students at other universities across the US.
  • Social Justice Standards: This guide, provided by Learning for Justice, provides a series of examples and questions to consider your understanding of action, identity, and justice. 
  • Thriving Activist Toolkit, George Mason University: This list includes resources to mitigate activism burnout including articles, videos, books, and guides. 
Free Speech Resources
Voting Resources 

Effective advocacy and activism requires an understanding of power and how power functions. This TED Ed talk, "How to Understand Power" by Eric Liu, offers insight into the six sources of power and how to engage with them. This Active Citizenship and Advocacy Sustaina-bite connects Liu's talk to some of the resources above.

We also encourage you to consider these reflection questions as you engage:

  • What are the issues you are working to address? Is there a specific concern you are working on?
  • How does this issue affect you and other members of the community (at William & Mary, locally, nationally, globally)?
  • Who, if anyone, is responsible for addressing this issue at William & Mary?
  • Who can you go to for support when addressing this issue (other students, employees, offices and departments, community organizations, etc.)?


This page was created collaboratively by the Civic & Community Engagement, Student Leadership Development, and Student Unions and Engagement, as well as with feedback from current student leaders and activists.  If you have suggested resources to add, please send them to [[mgpatterson]].