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Breegan O'Hearn

San Diego, California

Undergraduate Student: Biology and ENSP
Email: [[btohearn,Breegan O’Hearn]]

About Breegan

Hello! My name is Breegan and I'm a rising Senior majoring in Biology and ENSP. I'm a member of the archery club and I'm the Student Marketing Manager for W&M's Office of Sustainability.  I enjoy volunteering at the Williamsburg Community Growers farm, trying new recipes and watching dramas. My friends know me for my love of frogs, soup and sustainable fashion!  

Favorite Spot on Campus

In the late spring and autumn, I love working outside on the south side of Sadler's patio. It's nice in the evenings when the string lights turn on and there are students casually milling about and enjoying the weather. 

Advice to New Students

Don't be afraid to reach out to other students for help. Whether it be a confusing assignment in a class or getting to a building you've never been to before, W&M students are always happy to help each other and other students have likely felt the same way before.