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Allison Nkansah

Mechanicsville, Virginia

Undergraduate Student: Economics and Kinesiology & Health Sciences
Email: [[aankansah,Allison Nkansah]]

About Allison

Hi! My name is Allison, and I’m a rising junior studying Economics and Kinesiology and Health Sciences with a concentration in Public Health. On campus, I’m involved with the African Culture Society, William & Mary Scholars Undergraduate Research Experience, and Monroe Scholars Program. My hobbies include reading, taking walks, and trying new food. I’m looking forward to meeting all of the incoming students in the international community!

Favorite Spot on Campus

My favorite spot on-campus is Sadler’s Terrace because I always run into some of my friends there. Also, there are usually many activities on the terrace (especially when the weather is warm!).

Advice to New Students

Be bold and step outside of your comfort zone! Try new things that interest you, and don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from what you truly want to do!