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Erin Degnan

Richmond, Virginia

Undergraduate Student: International Relations and Psychology
Email: [[erdegnan,Erin Degnan]]

About Erin

My name is Erin Degnan, and I am a sophomore. I am studying International Relations and Psychology. I have loved William & Mary since I was young because both my parents came here. I am so excited to share the campus that I love so much with you! I am from Richmond, Virginia so I’m practically neighbors with Williamsburg. 

Favorite Spot on Campus

My favorite spot on-campus is definitely the Sunken Garden. It is such a fun area to hang out with friends, work, see cute dogs and meet new people. 

Advice to New Students

My advice to new students would be to remember to have fun! I think people come to William & Mary and can be quite intense about their studies, which is good but it’s important to have a good balance between work and fun. Join clubs, play IM sports, spend time outdoors, and definitely check out all the fun special events that happen on campus!