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International Student Fees

During the past decade, William & Mary has experienced dramatic growth in its international population. This development has provided educational opportunities for hundreds of international students at W&M and enriches the university and Williamsburg community. At the same time, it naturally increases the demand for services to support international students and their families.

To respond to this increased demand, W&M assesses two international student fees.

New International Student Fee: This fee of $165 is charged once (at the beginning of a student’s program) to new international students in F-1 and J-1 status.

International Student Service Fee: This fee of $85 is charged once per semester to international students in active F-1 and J-1 status, including students who are studying abroad. This fee is not charged during the summer session.

Revenues from the fees are used to support and enhance specialized services for the international student community. Services include:

  • Operational and Technological: Staffing and technological infrastructure (e.g., iStart software for immigration data compliance) to better serve the growing international community and fulfilling federal compliance requirements.
  • New Student Transition: Expanding the pre-arrival, welcome services, and first year support for new international students, to acquaint them with W&M and the Williamsburg community and to facilitate the transition and adjustment to life in the United States.
  • Cultural and Social Programming: More opportunities for cultural, social, and educational programs.
  • Immigration and Student Advising: Offering enhanced advising services on a variety of matters including immigration, working in the U.S., student life, and personal matters.
  • Educational and Academic Workshops: Workshops and resources designed to provide information on a wide variety of topics of concern to international students (e.g., writing workshop, career development).
  • International Families: Providing support services to the spouses, partners, and children of our students and scholars.
  • Crisis and Risk management: Crisis management and support for students. Reves staff provide support to students during emergencies such as campus evacuations, student hospitalizations, etc.
  • Tax Assistance: Continuation of the annual tax software license (prepares tax returns for international students who work on campus and in internships) and enhancement of tax filing assistance services.
Frequently Asked Questions

Why are these fees being charged?

The combination of state budget cuts and rise in enrollment has resulted in a significant per capita drop in the financial support of the programs and services that support international students. These fees allows us to continue offering our current programs and services as well as meet the changing needs of the international community at W&M.

Do all schools charge these fees?

Schools differ in how they fund their operations. It is very common for public universities to charge new student and service fees to international students. Some private schools charge no specific international fees but charge higher tuition or have substantial private funds available to them. Some institutions charge different fees for specific services. In setting these fees, we decided to charge a flat amount and sought to stay at the low end of the range of what other comparative universities charge.

If I don’t use a particular service or program, can the fee be waived or reduced?

The fees support all programs and services specially designed for international students. Accordingly, we cannot reduce or waive the fee based on usage of individual services. Our services and programs range from visa document issuance (I-20 and DS-2019) and SEVIS (Immigration) record administration and compliance, to trips (e.g., Social Security Office, Washington DC, International Market, etc.) and support programs (e.g., Global Friends Program, International Family Network, etc.). All students studying at W&M in F-1 and J-1 status use at least some of our services.

How do I pay the fee?

Students are automatically charged the applicable fees each semester. Students will see the fee on their eBill statements and can pay it when they are paying their tuition and fees for the semester.

Questions and Concerns: If you have questions or concerns about the fees, please contact Eva Wong, Director of International Students, Scholars & Programs.