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Student Ambassadors Needed for Osaka World Expo

URL: Represent the United States of America at the USA Pavilion at the 2025 World Expo in Osaka, Japan

Represent the United States of America at the USA Pavilion at the 2025 World Expo in Osaka, Japan.

Full Description
Rusapo_logo_pressrelease-206x300.pngepresent the United States at the USA Pavilion at the 2025 World Expo in Osaka, Japan
(April 13 - October 13, 2025)
The Department of State Youth Ambassador, or Student Ambassador, program is a long-standing U.S Government exchange program which began in the 1950’s. For decades, young Americans have served as docents or guides for USA Pavilions at International Expositions, or World’s Fairs. The opportunity to engage with millions of visitors of all ages and backgrounds throughout the six-month Expo is a once in a lifetime experience. Serving as the “Faces of America” is an important role at a World’s Fair as many of the visitors may have never met face-to-face with an American before.
Youth Ambassadors have embarked on internships and careers in foreign policy with various U.S. Government agencies, including the State Department, USAID, the Department of Agriculture and others, as well as careers in international business, event management and entrepreneurship. Youth Ambassadors are considered U.S. government exchange alumni and become part of a 1 million+ community of exchange alumni with opportunities for continued grants and other programs.
Who is eligible?
Young people, ages 19-27, who want to represent the U.S. and are ideally multilingual in English and one of the following languages: Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Portuguese. [Note: Language abilities are an asset, but not required.]
Youth Ambassadors will be divided into three cohorts:
  • Full-Term of the Expo: March 26, 2025 – October 15, 2025
  • Spring 2025: March 26, 2025 – July 23, 2025
  • Fall 2025: July 12, 2025 – October 15, 2025
Youth Ambassador program manager positions are also open for applications.
Applications will be rolling until filled. All applicants will be notified of their final status by December 10, 2024.