Endowed Lectures and Events
The Reves Center for International Studies hosts a number of annual endowed lectures which bring world-class scholars, analysts, artists, public figures and other distinguished guests to campus.
The Kraemer Middle East Distinguished Scholar-In-Residence program, with support from the Program in Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding at the William & Mary School of Law, brings a renowned scholar of Islamic law and governance to Williamsburg for a short residency.
The McSwain-Walker Lecture allows the Reves Center to host a notable lecturer on a topic related to how other countries and cultures interact with the United States, and how the United States interacts with them.
The George Tayloe Ross Addresses on International Peace series provides for an address or series of lectures given annually, under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, dealing with international topics and to promote peace.