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Black History Month: Study Abroad

In celebration of Black History Month, the Global Education Office is highlighting and saluting some of the prominent Black Americans who have studied abroad. Each week we will post below the name of our honoree and their story.

2025 Honorees

We also invite you to view previous honorees to learn about their extraordinary stories and experiences studying and living abroad.

20242023 2022 2021  

Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley and Dr. Stanley Earley, Jr in Dayton, Ohio. They both studied in Switzerland. (Courtesy The Dayton Foundation)

Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley & Dr. Stanley Earley, Jr.: Switzerland

Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley was recently portrayed by Kerry Washington in the new film, The Six Triple Eight, the story of the war’s only Women’s Army Corps unit of color.  Adams Earley laid the groundwork for today’s integrated military as the top-ranking Black woman officer and paved the way for Black women in service. In 1942, Charity enlisted in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, later renamed the Woman’s Army Corps (WAC) and quickly rose up the ranks to become its first African-American female officer. Later, she was appointed the commanding officer of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only battalion of African-American women to serve overseas. By the end of the war, Charity had been promoted to lieutenant colonel, making her the highest-ranking African-American woman in the WAC when she retired from service in 1946. [We encourage you to watch an interview with LTC Charity Adams Earley recorded for the U.S. Army Women's Museum in 1990.]

Stanley Earley met Charity Adams in the late 1930s when they were both students at Wilberforce. He later transferred to Ohio State University, eventually earning an engineering degree. Earley enlisted in the Army as a translator, having learned French in high school. He also became fluent in German. 

Their paths converged after WWII. She completed her master’s degree at Ohio State University and took several jobs, including three at institutions of higher learning. He, on the other hand, applied for medical school abroad as many such U.S. institutions then would not admit Black people. He attended the University of Zurich, a German-speaking and very prestigious medical school. In the meantime, Mrs. Earley learned German through the Minerva Institute and later studied for two years at the University of Zurich and the Jungian Institute of Analytical Psychology. Stanley Jr. earned his degree and returned to the U.S. with his wife in 1952. Stanley completed his residency at New York City’s Harlem Hospital before returning to Dayton. A general practitioner, he provided medical care there for more than 40 years.

Active community volunteers, Stanley and Charity served on various boards, including the Dayton Art Institute, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinclair Community College and United Way. Charity’s experiences with segregation in the military were a driving force in her volunteerism. She worked with local leaders to enhance educational and socioeconomic opportunities for African-Americans. In 2002, shortly after Charity’s passing, Dr. Earley established the Dr. Stanley A. Earley, Jr., and Charity Edna Earley Fund through the African-American Community Fund of The Dayton Foundation.

[Sources: U.S. Army; The Dayton Foundation]

Video Clip: Sister Souljah discusses her writing process with The Breakfast Club.

"I'm a college graduate, and if I read something like Romeo and Juliet, I'm reading about a gang fight, I'm reading about young love, young sex, longing. I'm reading the same themes that I'm writing in my books. So if somebody comes along and says, 'Yours is street literature'—what was Shakespeare's?" — Sister Souljah

Sister Souljah: Salamanca, Spain

A graduate of Rutgers University, Sister Souljah earned a degree in American History and African Studies and studied abroad at the University of Salamanca. A global student, she traveled throughout her college years to England, France, Spain, Portugal, Finland and Russia. She was known for her powerful voice, sharp political analysis, cultural allegiance, community organizing, and for her humanity. Post-graduation, Sister Souljah is credited for serving homeless families, creating academic, cultural, and recreational after-school programs, weekend academies, and sleep-away summer camps. A multidimensional woman, Souljah was the only female performing artist and voice of Public Enemy. She is also a wife and a mother. A storyteller who makes the entire world her home, she lives wherever she is “pushing her pen.”Souljah is the author of 5 national best sellers, including The Coldest Winter Ever. The instant classic brings the streets of New York to life in a powerful and utterly unforgettable novel. Twenty-five years and over one million copies later, The Coldest Winter Ever is a bestseller and a national treasure, a classic handed down from one reading generation to the next. [Source: Simon & Schuster]

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Chile

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson (Source:

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Chile
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson — scientist, author, television host, academic and more (link to bio) — traveled to Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile to obtain data for his thesis on the galactic bulge. In his Ph.D. convocation speech at Columbia University, he referenced the visit, but his entire message is so powerful, we've reproduce it below in its entirety. We've also included a link below to a video of a talk at the 92nd Street Y.
Ph.D. Convocation Address by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Delivered at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University, New York City, May 14, 1991
Distinguished professors, fellow doctoral candidates, family, friends, and loved ones, I was asked by the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to address this convocation today on behalf of all graduates.

When I was first asked to speak, it occurred to me that I have nothing to say. You and I could chat about our research, but I wouldn’t understand the contents of your dissertation any more than you would understand the contents of mine. I could expound upon the role of high level academia in modern society, but you could get that at any convocation, or commencement.

My inspiration for today’s address actually came from a mountain top. Five hours ago I arrived in New York City from an excursion to the Andes Mountains in Chile, where I lived nocturnally for seven days. The trip’s purpose was to obtain data on the structure of the Galaxy from a location 7,000 feet above sea level at the telescopes of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, 50 kilometers from the nearest town. It is there that I obtained my thesis data over the past two years. And it is there that I reflected on my life’s path through time and space.

Today, I wish to offer you a personal account of the Ph.D.; one that highlights events of my past that we are not likely to have in common.

When I was in elementary school in the public schools of New York City, I distinctly remember that it was important to me to be athletic—in particular, to be able to run fast. My efforts were encouraged by all around me. My reward was the respect and admiration of classmates and streetmates.

In junior high school it was important to me, now that I was certified the “fastest on the block,” to slam-dunk a basketball. This is a two-faceted achievement; you have to jump high and palm the basketball. On April 17, 1973 I was the first in my grade to slam-dunk a basketball. I then asked myself, Is this all there is to it? The answer is basically yes, yet one can imagine creative variations such as a 360-degree pirouette in mid-air preceding the dunk, but you still only score two points.Tyson assembles the telescope he received on his 12th birthday, with help from his father, Cyril.(As printed in Columbia Magazine)

About the same time I learned that light, traveling at 186,282 miles per second, moves too slowly to escape from the event horizon of a black hole. This was more astonishing to me than a 360-degree slam-dunk. I soon became scientifically curious and read everything I could find about the Universe. I began to see myself as a future scientist—in particular, an astrophysicist. It became a deeply seeded dream.

Then, and only then, did I come to the shattering awareness that there were few parts of society that were prepared to accept my dreams. I wanted to do with my life what people of my skin color were not supposed to do. As an athlete, I did not violate society’s expectations since there was adequate precedent for dark-skinned competitors in the Olympics and in professional sports. To be an astrophysicist, however, became a “path of most resistance.” I began to wonder whether I originally wanted to be an athlete more from society’s interest rather than my own.

In high school, nobody asked further about how I became captain of the wrestling team. But when I became editor-in-chief of my school’s annual Physical Science Journal, my qualifications were constantly queried. And when I was accepted to the college of my choice, I was continually asked for my SAT scores and grade point average. Indeed, one fellow student threatened to break into the school records to read my scores if I didn’t tell.

When I first entered graduate school, (in an institution far from Columbia), I was eager to pursue my dreams of research astrophysics. But the first comment directed to me in the first minute of the first day by a faculty member who I had just met was, You must join our department basketball team. As the months and years passed, faculty and fellow students would suggest alternative careers for me thinking that they were doing me a favor,

Why don’t you become a computer salesman?

Why don’t you teach at a community college?

Why don’t you leave astrophysics and academia? You can make much money in industry.

At no time was I perceived as a future colleague, though this privilege was enjoyed by other graduate students. When combined with the dozens of times I have been stopped and questioned by the police for going to and from my office after hours, and the hundreds of times I am followed by security guards in department stores, and the countless times people cross the street upon seeing me approach them on the sidewalk, I can summarize my life’s path by noting that in the perception of society

  • my athletic talents are genetic,
  • I am a likely mugger-rapist,
  • my academic failures are expected, and
  • my academic successes are attributed to others.

Ladies and Gentlemen, to spend most of my life fighting these attitudes levies an emotional tax that is a form of intellectual emasculation. It is a tax that I would not wish upon my enemies. As of this afternoon, my Ph.D. will bring the national total of Black Astrophysicists from 6 to 7 (out of 4,000 nationwide). Given what I experienced, I am surprised there are that many.

I eventually learned that you can only be ridden if your back is bent. And, of course, that which doesn’t kill you can make you stronger. Three years ago I transferred my graduate program to Columbia University when I was welcomed by the Department of Astronomy.

In the past two and a half years I

  • received a twice-renewed NASA research fellowship
  • published 4 research papers
  • attended 4 international conferences (one in Switzerland, two in Italy, and one in Chile)
  • had two popular-level books published: one in contract, and one released in 1989 that now enjoys a distribution in Japan with a Japanese translation
  • was quoted in the New York Times three times
  • appeared twice on network television, and
  • was appointed to a well-respected post-doctoral research position at Princeton University’s Department of Astrophysical Sciences beginning this fall.

I share all this with you only to note that it is remarkable what can be accomplished when you are surrounded by people who believe in you; people whose expectations are not set by the short-sighted attitudes of society—people who help to open doors of opportunity, not close them.

Thanks to Columbia’s interest in me, the love and support of my family, and the endorsement of the Department of Astronomy, I have truly lived and fulfilled a dream, yet I know my life has just begun.


On January 16, 2024, bestselling author and Director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, had a conversation about life on Earth and in the cosmos with 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl. How can astrophysics help us understand ourselves and put our lives into perspective? Recorded at The 92nd Street Y, New York. Although he doesn't talk about Chile, he does talk about inspiration, finding your calling in life and so much more. We've cued it to his answer to what inspires him.

Where do you want to go?