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Application Process

Students must first apply for and be accepted to the U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP) with the State Department. Applications are typically due in late August. Upon submission, the Department of State makes an evaluation on the basis of the application, statement of interest, transcripts, foreign language ability when applicable, and completed academic studies relevant to the type of work each applicant hopes to perform. The USFSIP is a 2-year program. The first year is spent in Washington, DC, and the second year is spent in an international embassy or consulate. The Harriman Award funds will be dispersed after the second year of this program.

During off-boarding from the first summer in the USFSIP program, interns will be presented with information about the Harriman program and given the opportunity to apply. Applications will be reviewed, and finalists will be invited to an interview with members of the Harriman Fellowship Board. Award winners will be announced in late fall/early winter, and the new Harriman Fellows will have the chance to meet with a mentor, prior to their second summer in the program.

Upon completing their second summer with the USFSIP, Fellows must present a summary report to the Harriman Fellowship Board during one of the board meetings.  Fellows are also encouraged to deliver a report to their college about their service experiences. 

Specific internship application information and forms can be found at the Department of State website.

For more information please contact:

[[harriman,Pamela Harriman Foreign Service Fellowships]]