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Required Documents

Congratulations on your employment with Residence Life!

Completing your Employment Documents

In order to be employed by Residence Life, several state and federal forms must be submitted prior to your start dates. The forms can be printed below or completed online. Printed forms are to be completed with blue or black ink. All forms are to be handwritten. Employment documents will be returned to the Campus Living Center, 230 Gooch Drive. 

Are you currently a citizen or permanent resident?
  • If yes, continue reading below.
  • If not, contact the Reves Center to verify your work eligibility and the additional documentation their office requires.
Have you worked for W&M within the last six months? (Does not include Dining Services or the Bookstore)

If yes, and no personal information has changed, then you only need to return the employment agreement. If you have never or the gap in employment is six months or longer, new tax and direct deposit forms are to be completed. If there has been a lapse in service of 12 months or longer, a new I-9 form is required.

For questions, email [[staffselection]].

Forms to be Completed
I-9 Form 

All employees of W&M must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 between the time an offer of employment is received and the end of the first day on the job. Note the I-9 is an online form. The link to this form will be emailed to you over the summer (if you are a fall hire).

Residence Life must complete Section 2 of Form I-9 while examining evidence of identity and employment eligibility within three (3) business days of the date employment begins (you must present original documents identified by the USCIS). On your first day, you must bring the appropriate evidence of identity and employment eligibility

Federal Tax Form W-4

Federal Tax W-4 forms are completed online by logging into Banner in MyWM. Select Employee, Tax Forms, W-4 Tax Exemptions/Allowances. This option will not be available until you have completed all aspects of the I-9. You will default to single status if you do not submit Federal Tax forms.

If you have questions about claiming withholding allowances, you may want to discuss them with your parent or guardian. When completing the form, use your permanent address and sign and date the form.

State Tax Form VA-4

Guidelines for completing the state income tax withholding form (VA-4) are included in the document. If you have questions about claiming withholding allowances, you want to discuss them with your parent or guardian. When completing the form, use your permanent address and sign and date the form.

Direct Deposit Authorization

William & Mary requires direct deposit paychecks for employees. Your stipend will be automatically deposited into your bank account. Complete the Direct Deposit Authorization form in Banner (available at myW&M) once your employee portal appears. Submit the appropriate documents.

If your account information changes at any point during your employment (i.e., you open a new account or want your stipend to be deposited to a different account), a new Direct Deposit Authorization form must be submitted to the Payroll Office immediately, or you may experience a significant delay in receiving your stipend.