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Transfer & Test Credit

A William & Mary degree is much more than a list of courses. While at least half of the credits applied toward a degree must be earned at W&M, most new students enter with some credit for test scores or prior college course work.

Get An Early Start

Getting your transcripts and test scores to the Transfer Services Coordinator (TSC) in our office well before you arrive at the college is the best way to ensure a smooth entry and registration process.

While the full academic transfer policy appears in the Undergraduate Catalog (see the Requirements for Degree section), here are tips for our new students:

Where to send your Official Scores or Transcripts

Students seeking transfer credit must have their official scores and/or transcripts sent directly from the awarding institution (university, ETS, etc.) to W&M.

Official score reports and/or transcripts can be sent electronically by the institution directly to W&M through a service like Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse. Electronic delivery of AP/IB scores is also accepted if sent directly from CollegeBoard or IBO to W&M.

For students sending through postal mail, use the following address:

William & Mary
Office of the University Registrar
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795