Reporting Anonymously
Individuals may report crimes or provide information to the William & Mary Police anonymously. These reports can be made over the phone or in person. All anonymous reports are treated seriously and are assigned to an officer for follow-up investigation. Please contact our 24 hour communications office at 221-4596 or click here to report anonymously.
Phone using the WMPD main line
Call 757-221-4596 to provide information directly to the on-duty communications officer. The communications officer will take all of the information. The officer may ask for your identification, but you are not required to provide it. The information will be forwarded anonymously to an officer for follow-up investigation.
Report in person
You may come to the WMPD front desk and make an anonymous complaint. Tell the communications officer that you want to provide information without providing your identity. An officer will take your information as an anonymous report from an unknown subject. We will conduct a follow-up investigation. We are located at 201 Ukrop Way, next to the parking garage entrance. We are open to walk-in reports 24/7.