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Branch Out Alternative Breaks

Branch Out team at Northern Neck Free Clinic jumping on beachIn a Branch Out Alternative Break, you can join a team and travel during fall, winter, or spring break to engage in service-based learning in partnership with host communities, while connecting with new people and developing skills in issue-based action. All alternative breaks are free and open to currently-enrolled undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, thanks to the generosity of our funders.

Our vision is to create a community of active and educated individuals dedicated to the pursuit of social justice. Together, we aim to expand our skills and identities as community collaborators.

"This experience allowed me to fully immerse myself...and establish an unusual, and unique, interaction with the nature.... The conversation with a girl [from the host community] made me reflect on the privileges I have and how poverty can entwine closely with education, employment, the family support system, and even drug addiction.”  - Branch Out Participant

Join an Alternative Break

Visit Branch Out on GivePulse, TribeLink, Facebook, and Instagram. Contact us, or our advisor, Melody Porter.

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