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Nathan Romans

Senior Producer & Lead Editor

Email: [[nromans]]
Phone: 757-221-1720


In college, I bounced around different majors and disciplines; from psychology to creative writing, fine art photography to journalism. As I narrowed my interests, a theme began to develop: I cared most about storytelling. This, in combination with my love for photography, made my first internship experience with the University of Idaho's Creative Services Video department a perfect fit. Five years later, I'm doing the same work but in a brand new environment, William & Mary. 

 I grew up in rural Southern Idaho on my parents' farm. My propensity for jumping from interest to interest started early on, and I spent most of grade school focusing on music, athletics, clubs and whatever challenge interested me at the time. After graduation I went to the College of Southern Idaho where I earned Associate's degrees in Photography and in Commercial Art. Later at the University of Idaho, I discovered - after a semester trying out Virtual Technology & Design - that I needed to really focus on what I knew I loved (i.e.: not physics). In 2015, I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Broadcasting & Digital Media with a minor in Creative Writing.

My internship with UI Creative Services turned into to a full-time job in the same role. When my wife was accepted into the Old Dominion University I/O Psychology Ph.D. program, we moved across the country and have since settled in Williamsburg. When I started at William & Mary, I made it a goal to incorporate my fine art, creative writing, and visual storytelling experience into as many projects as possible. This position has been a perfect fit, as the stories we get to tell can be from an almost limitless range of topics. After narrowing my focus to decide my career, my career has proven to be more expansive than I had ever imagined.  

Personal Stuff

I love to be on the hunt; whether it's birding, collecting useless knick-knacks, shooting candid photography or playing Pokemon Go (which I maintain is just birding for Pokemon). I play the drums, fly WM's drone, am too engrossed in fantasy football, and if you want to play a board, card or video game, just let me know.