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Listservs for Recognized Student Organizations

Make a New Listserv

Any student with a W&M username and password can create a listserv. 

How to create a listserv
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your W&M username and password in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Click on the Create List tab.
  4. Fill out the form. The listserv name cannot be the same as the W&M Username/email account for the recognized student organization.
  5. Click Submit Request.
  6. You will receive an email with the listserv terms.  Agree to the terms by replying to the message.

Your list will be activated once William & Mary Information Technology receives your email.

Access an Existing Listserv

To access the listserv, go to and sign-in with your W&M username and password. Find your organization's list on the left-hand side of the screen.

If you are unable to locate and/or access an existing list for your organization, contact Student Leadership Development at

More information about Listservs

Add an Owner and/or Moderator

If you are not able to contact an existing Owner, please contact Student Leadership Development.   

To add an Owner (you must be a privileged owner to do this step)
  • Go to the Admin section of the listserv 
  • Click Edit List Config 
  • Click List Definition
  • In the owner section you will place the email/name of the user. 
  • Make sure to save at the bottom of the screen 
To add a Moderator 
  • Go to the Admin section of the listserv 
  • Click Edit List Config 
  • Click List Definition 
  • In the moderator section you will place the email/name of the user. 
  • Make sure to save at the bottom of the screen 

For questions about a specific student organization's listserv, contact Student Leadership Development at

For all other listserv-related questions, contact the Technology Support Center at, 757-221-4357.