Front-end ( |
Parallel nodes (jm01-jm21) |
Model | Dell PowerEdge R440 | ||
Processor(s) |
8 cores/16 threads Intel Xeon Silver 4112 |
2×10-cores Intel Xeon Silver 4114 |
Clock speed |
2.6 GHz |
2.2 GHz |
Memory | 32 GB | 64 GB | |
Network interfaces |
Application |
EDR IB (jm00-ib) |
EDR IB ( |
System |
10 GbE (jm00) |
1 GbE ( |
OS | CentOS 7.5 |
Torque Node Specifiers:
Although this list has many specifiers, most users will be fine just using
#PBS -N test
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=4:james:ppn=20
#PBS -j oe
User Environment
Compilation and job submission for the
Your home directory is common to the Chesapeake and James servers as well as all
James uses Environment Modules (a.k.a Modules) to automatically configure the user's shell environment across multiple computing platforms, as well as to organize the dozens of different software packages which are available on the system. We support
New accounts are provisioned with the following set of environment configuration files:
.login |
- |
recommended settings for login shells |
.cshrc |
- |
personal environment settings, customize to meet your needs |
.cshrc.el7-x86_64 |
- |
personal settings james, choptank and rappahanock. |
The most recent versions of
System-wide environment settings are initialized in:
These files are automatically invoked at the beginning of your personal .cshrc and .login files, respectively.
A default set of environment modules is loaded at the end of the platform-specific .cshrc.* files, and these should be enough to get you started. In the case of the
Unlike on Chesapeake, the
Compiler flags
James has the Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 compiler suite as well as version 4.9.4 of the GNU compiler suite. :
PGI | C | |
C++ | pgc++ -O2 -tp |
Fortran | pgfortran -O2 -tp skylake -fast -m64 -Mprefetch | |
Intel | C | icc -O3 -xSKYLAKE-AVX512 -mtune=skylake -fma -align -finline-functions |
C++ | icpc -std=c11 -O3 -xSKYLAKE-AVX512 -mtune=skylake -fma -align -finline-functions | |
Fortran | ifort -O3 -xSKYLAKE-AVX512 -mtune=skylake -fma -align array64byte -finline-functions | |
GNU | C | gcc -march=skylake -O3 -mfma -malign-data=cacheline -finline-functions |
C++ | g++ -std=c11 -march=skylake -O3 -mfma -malign-data=cacheline -finline-functions | |
Fortran |
gfortran -march=skylake -O3 -mfma -malign-data=cacheline -finline-functions |
Mvapich2 version 2.3 is available on James compiled with all the available compiler chains - intel/2017, intel/2018, gcc/6.3.0 and pgi/18.7. OpenMPI 3.1.2 is also available with gcc/6.3.0, intel/2017 and intel/2018 version. Parallel jobs should be run using the mvp2run wrapper script, which has been updated to include James sub-cluster nodes.
#!/bin/tcsh #PBS -N MPI #PBS -l nodes=5:james:ppn=20 #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00 #PBS -j oe cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mvp2run ./a.out >& LOG