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Exploring Patterns in Titles and Salaries of Women in Leadership across the Conservation Field

Research Location: Headquartered: San Francisco, CA, USA
Conservation Partner: Planet Women

Student Researcher

Erin Robbins '23

Faculty Mentor
Erica Garroutte
Project Description

Women play an important role in effective and sustainable conservation, yet there is a lack of women in leadership positions across the conservation field. This is due to systemic barriers and gender discrimination that limits the opportunities for women to advance into leadership positions and to have equitable salaries throughout the conservation field.

As part of Planet Women's efforts to increase the number of women in top-level leadership positions in the conservation field, Erin explored patterns in tax reports to explore the number, positions, salaries and promotion history of women in conservation organizations. It is through this analysis that Planet Women aims to break down the systemic barriers facing women in conservation needed to ensure women are in leadership positions across the structure of conservation organizations.

Project ID - Format

22-027-22 - CRP Semester

22-027-23 - CRP Semester