Charlotte Toomey '26
CRP Student Researcher
Integrative Conservation and Environmental Science
Research Project
From Forest Floor to Treetops: Capturing Mammalian Diversity with Camera TrapsBio
Charlotte Toomey '26 has been surrounded by animals her whole life and developed a passion for wildlife at a young age. Growing up with pets ranging from cats and lizards to tarantulas, she knew early on that whatever career she pursued, it would need to keep her outdoors and surrounded by critters.Now pursuing degrees in Biology and Environmental Science, Charlotte is deeply involved in conservation. She participates in Professor Swaddle’s birds/solar panel research, collaborates on IUCN Red List assessments with Professor Waldien, and spends her summers working in environmental consulting. Her summer work has given her hands-on experience in mist netting for bats, conducting point count surveys for birds, and identifying various bird, bat, and local plant species.
Charlotte also serves as Project Head for multiple positions in the service club CKI, sings in the Barksdale Treble Choir, and is a member of the music sorority Nu Kappa Epsilon. In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing, playing tennis, practicing guitar, and birdwatching.