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Evaluating the Current and Future Carbon Sequestration Value of Forested and Agricultural Lands in the Bull Run Mountain Region, Virginia

Research Location: Implemented: Bull Run Mountains, Virginia, USA
Conservation Partner: Bull Run Mountain Conservancy

Student Researcher (2024)
Colby Samide, Major: Business Analytics
Student Researcher (2023)
Aaron Tingley, Major: Economics, Minor: Environmental Science and Policy
Student Researcher (2022-2023)
Jialu (Krista) Tao, Major: Geology, Minor: Data Science
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Robert Rose
Project Description

W&M students are working with the Bull Run Mountain Conservancy to explore the potential of carbon markets as a strategy to conserve and restore the forest ecosystems of Bull Run in the face of rapid land development.

W&M students are working alongside the Bull Run Mountain Conservancy on an interdisciplinary study exploring the carbon sequestration and biodiversity value of forested lands in the rapidly developing Bull Run Mountains, Virginia. An ongoing collaborative project, this multi-year project aims to explore ways landowners value their ecosystems and explore the future carbon sequestration value of the lands to promote reforestation and biodiversity conservation in the region.

In 2023, students interviewed landowners about the value of their lands and inventoried the amount of carbon sequestered by the current forests in the area, while calculating the value lost per year due to deforestation.

In 2024, Colby Samide '26 will project future sequestration capacity through reforestation and will determine the potential economic and ecological benefit to landowners. The analysis will allow a comparison of the future value of the land if reforested compared to the value of maintaining the current land uses. This will also include ground site visits to determine potential reforestation sites and the economic and ecological benefits for landowners with assistance from Green Trees LLC, a global leader in reforestation located in The Plains, VA.

Project ID - Format

22-004-22 - Conservation GIS Lab

22-004-23 - CRP Year

22-004-24 - CRP Year