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Jonathan Dunne

Colonel, US Marine Corps


Colonel (Col) Jon Dunne currently serves as the Officer-in-Charge of the Marine Corps Training Mission – United Arab Emirates. He has served as a Marine Corps officer on active duty for the past twenty-three years as an artillery officer and operational planner, both overseas and within the United States, in peace time and during conflict. Col Dunne has completed three deployments as part of a Marine Expeditionary Unit, deployed in support of contingency operations in Haiti and Bosnia, deployed to Iraq on two occasions, and recently served as the Plans Officer at Marine Corps Forces, Africa, prior to assuming command of a rocket/missile battalion from 2012-14.   

Prior to his current assignment, Col Dunne served as the Senior Marine Corps Fellow at the Atlantic Council, a D.C.-based think tankCol Dunne's educational background includes an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Rochester. Since serving as a Marine, Col Dunne has earned graduate degrees in military science, operational science, and national resource strategyHe serves as an instructor with the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary Warfare School Distance Education Program, with a focus on amphibious operations; further, Col Dunne remains affiliated with the Atlantic Council as a Senior Non-Resident Fellow and is currently active supporting studies linked to Nordic-Baltic deterrence and collective defense, competitive strategies, and defense industry.