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Gates Forum 3: Sanctions and the Symphony of Power

In an era of intensifying great power competition, what concrete actions can the United States take to reimagine its approach to sanctions and other tools of economic statecraft in ways that best advance its national interests, deliver effective results, and respond to changing international circumstances?

In December 2024, Gates Forum 3, which was hosted by the Gates Global Policy Center in partnership with William & Mary’s Global Research Institute (GRI), brought to Williamsburg prominent policymakers and officials, alongside experts from government, higher education, journalism, and the private sector.
Under the leadership of Chancellor Robert M. Gates, the forum engaged participants with a singular focus: In an era of intensifying great power competition, what concrete actions can the United States take to reimagine its approach to sanctions and other tools of economic statecraft in ways that best advance its national interests, deliver effective results, and respond to changing international circumstances?
Working together, GF conferees worked to address this challenge that is so vital to our national interest. The goal of GF3 was to discuss and prepare the Robert M. Gates Global Policy Center to develop recommendations for action that will find broad support to the Administration and bipartisan support in Congress. The papers were produced by experts in economic sanctions and statecraft in the U.S. under the leadership of Dr. Ryan Musto, Director of Forums and Research Initiatives, and Eric Brown, Senior Research Scientist, of William & Mary's Global Research Institute.
READ THE FULL RESEARCH VOLUMEWatch the Keynote Discussion