February 2021 Newsletter
In the newsletter below, you’ll find three articles written for popular media outlets by Dr. Kelebogile Zvobgo, Director of GRI’s International Justice Lab; a story about AidData’s work with the African Population Health and Research Center; and a new one-stop shop to learn about Professor Carrie Dolan's global health research and her leadership on regional COVID response.
We also have a slate of exciting events coming up and through the magic of Zoom: Ambassador Dennis Ross will join us on March 2; the W&M Global Innovation Challenge will host its fifth annual hack-a-thon style international development case competition on March 19-20; and students and practitioners will have a chance to meet and network at the W&M Africa Networking Conference on April 10. Our signature event of the semester, "A Race to April 30: Presidential Administrations & the First 100 Days," will take place on 3/30 at 6pm.
Finally, our team is looking for alumni volunteers to provide resume feedback and career advice to students on March 16 and April 9: If you are willing to help current W&M students (or in getting on our list for future student networking events) please let us know. I hope to see you soon, whether in the ‘Burg or online at one of our upcoming events.