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New Student & Parent Info

Welcome to William & Mary!

Important Dates
  • Fall eBills are published mid-July and due August 1st
  • Spring eBills are published mid-December and due January 1st
  • Summer eBills are published mid-May and due June 1st
Common Questions

If you experience any difficulty accessing the content in the documents below due to a disability, please contact us for assistance.

Where can I see my bill, make payments, and enroll in the payment plan? 

Students and authorized users can use eServices (pdf) to view their account information and make payments. 

As a parent, how can I access eServices and other information about the student account?

Students must put their email into the 'authorized users' section of their eServices to set themselves up as authorized users. In addition, they will need to request an identity passphrase to authorize you to receive information about an account via phone or email. Authorized Users/Passphrase (pdf)

How can I obtain my eBill (statement) and find more information about my student charges?

eBills (Statements) (pdf) can be accessed via eServices.

How does W&M process third-party payments, including scholarships, military tuition assistance, and 529 plans? 

Third-Party Payments (pdf) are processed according to our respective policy for each method. 

Where can I find more information about the Payment Plan?

To use the installment system in eServices, the student or authorized user must enroll in the Payment Plan (pdf) each semester

How can I have that processed if I believe I should receive a refund?

Refunds (pdf) are processed automatically for students who have received financial aid and must be requested in the case of an overpayment. 

How do Holds and Late Fees affect student accounts?

Holds and Late Fees (pdf) are applied under circumstances related to past-due balances. Payment plan late fees are applied per late installment, and standard late fees are applied mid-semester.

Where can I find my tax information for the student account?

1098Ts (pdf) are available on eServices for each year in the 'Statements' section.

Additional Resources

 Bursar Student Handout (PDF)Bursar Orientation Presentation (PDF)