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Organizational Culture & Accountability


Organizational Culture & Accountability (Infrastructure & Investment) refers to the policies, resources, organizational and communication structures, and performance measures that inform and enable an intentionally inclusive, equitable, and innovative organization.

Goal: Create and sustain an institutional infrastructure that effectively supports progress in achieving diversity, equity and inclusion goals in the university strategic plan.

Leading Indicator

View the growing list of academic and administrative unit inclusive excellence plans.

  • 13
    Schools & units with DEI plans


Initiatives Underway

Below is a selection of organizational culture and accountability initiatives actively underway in the 2022-2023 academic year. For an expanded view, explore the university's full Inclusive Excellence Plan.

Durable Infrastructure

Develop a robust and durable infrastructure to address long-standing institutional challenges and sustain the journey toward Inclusive Excellence

  • Cultivate a culture of accountability for inclusive learning that aligns with W&M's mission, vision and values
  • Attract and maintain outstanding employees and students to further our mission
  • Modernize our campus dining, dorms, classrooms and other learning and work spaces so that students faculty and staff thrive
  • Conduct annual training for senior leadership in alignment with values
  • Incentivize collaboration across units for whole-institution priorities
  • Continue to identify the areas within our facilities that are not ADA compliant and brainstorm ideas to create more inclusive spaces
Evaluation & Improvement

Create a culture of evaluation and continuous improvement for administrators and senior leaders

  • Inclusive Excellence goal attainment is part of all senior leadership assessments
  • Engage senior leaders and stakeholders in analyzing disaggregated data and special studies to better understand and address long-standing challenges for underrepresented/underserved students, faculty and staff
  • Establish systems of reporting and accountability
  • Set expectations for campus leaders that metrics related to diversity, equity and inclusion are vital measures of institutional excellence
  • Evaluate internal policies, processes and practices in alignment with the W&M Affirmative Action plan
Gifts, Grants & Opportunities

Sustain and increase university-wide efforts designed to amplify to potential secure gifts, grants and opportunities to advance the goals in the Inclusive Excellence framework and Vision 2026

  • Create a financial model that ensures an exceptional W&M experience for all
Small, Women & Minority-owned (SWaM) Businesses

Meet/exceed 42% use of Small, Women & Minority-owned (SWaM) businesses (plus micro and Service-Disabled Veteran businesses)

  • Additional visibility of W&M SWaM vendors for all departments
  • Continuation of W&M Supplier Diversity Expo
  • Continuation of educational opportunities for campus

Lagging Indicator

  • 41 %
    SWaM (Small, women- and minority-owned) vendor percentage

    vs. 41% in 2021-2022