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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for Care Support Services in a table
Where is the Care Support Services office located?

Care Support Services is located in Suite 161 on the first floor of Sadler Center.  

How can I make an appointment with Care Support Services?

To schedule an appointment, please use our booking link, call (757) 221-2511, or e-mail 

I am having a hard time and struggling to leave my room, can I meet with you via zoom?

Yes, we offer virtual appointments for our students. Please schedule a virtual or in-person meeting using our booking link. 

Are Care Support Services meetings confidential?

Every effort is made to protect student privacy and the information discussed will only be shared in the context of assisting the student. The Care Support Services office will share information on a need-to-know basis. In order to coordinate services, written releases of information may be requested. The information shared with the Care Support Services office does not fall under the same confidentiality levels of a healthcare provider or psychotherapist/counselor. 

Please Note: Liz Cascone, Director of The Haven, serves as a confidential resource for students impacted by sexual violence and harassment, relationship abuse and intimate-partner violence, stalking, and other gender-based discrimination. The Student Health Center and Counseling Center are also confidential resources on campus.

Does a care concern mean that I am in trouble?

No, care concerns allow us to know when a student may be struggling so that we can offer appropriate support and resources. When a care concern is submitted, it is assigned to one of our staff members within Student Affairs. That staff member will reach out and the student can choose to speak or meet with the staff member to discuss what might be helpful for their personal and academic wellbeing.

Will a care concern go on my permanent record?

No, care concerns are not reported on any record or transcript. Care concerns are an internal system of tracking student concerns and needs for support/outreach.

Does Care Support Services grant incompletes for students?

No, Care Support Services does not grant incompletes for students. Incompletes are granted by faculty members at faculty discretion. Students are advised to inquire directly with their professor(s) to discuss their options. 

Can I withdraw from my classes this semester because of a medical reason?

Yes, you can submit a petition for a partial medical withdrawal or full medical withdrawal. Circumstances for medical withdrawals include chronic or acute illness, emergency hospitalization or surgery requiring extended recovery, mental health crisis and treatment, and serious illness or injury that disrupts your academic engagement. 

Who does Care Support Services support?

Care Support Services is open to all William & Mary students (undergraduate and graduate, in-person and online, enrolled or on leave). Care Support Services staff can meet with students to assess their needs and together determine appropriate resources and supports. 

What is a case management plan?

A Case Management Plan (CMP) is a non-clinical support offered by Care Support Services. Care Support Services will work with you through the semester to advocate for you and guide you in defining and reaching your goals. Students on a CMP will meet with Care Support Services twice a semester (or more often if requested) to review their case management plan, discuss potential supports and academic resources, goals for semester, recommendations from their healthcare provider(s), and provider referrals. Students on CMPs receive priority (same or next day) appointment availability and have a single point-of-contact (their case manager) for care concerns, questions, and faculty/community concerns. 

I submitted a care concern and have not heard back, why?

After a care concern is submitted the reporter may receive follow-up, but only when necessary. All care concerns are responded to but we may not be able to provide further information to the reporter to protect student’s privacy. If the concern persists or escalates, please submit a new care concern.