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For 2026

For 2026 is a five-year conference series co-hosted by William & Mary, The Omohundro Institute, and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, marking the 250th anniversary of American independence in 2026.

Registration for the 2024 edition of For 2026, Virginia's Revolutionary Histories & Beyond, is now open.

Learn more and register


Colonial Williamsburg is the world's largest living history museum. It is dedicated to its mission that the future may learn from the past through its expert and distinctive events, collections, programs, and site interpretation. The Omohundro Institute is the leading hub for inquiry into early American history, broadly understood as all points in the Atlantic World between roughly 1450 and 1820. It supports and publishes the leading research into this expansive Early America.

William & Mary is the top-ranked university in the nation for its early American history offerings. It is a leader in integrated diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, creating opportunities for civic discourse. Together, our three institutions are committed to serving the public good through historical education, research and outreach to the community, the region, the nation, and beyond. This mission has never been more resonant, or more relevant.