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Conduct Code FAQs for Students

Who can submit a an incident report?

Anyone can submit an incident report. Students simply need to document an incident with a resident assistant, head resident or area director, speak with a staff member in CVRP, or submit a report via the online reporting system.

What are the goals of the conduct process?

Our Code of Conduct provides students with a guide to healthy, respectful, and responsible living in community. Typically, if a student is referred for acts that may harm the community, our staff applies "compassionate accountability," in other words, we use the incident as a chance to help a student learn and grow and show that they can change their behavior in the future. In rare cases, a student's conduct has created significant harm and/or represents an ongoing safety risk--in these cases, a separation of the student from the community is a possible outcome.

What are my options if it is alleged that I violated a policy?

Students can choose to resolve their conduct reports in one of three ways:

Informal Resolution: A meeting with a case administrator (CA) during which the student and CA discuss the facts of the case and the surrounding circumstances and, if possible, agree upon a set of facts. If the set of facts indicates that a violation of university policy occurred, then the CA will assign sanctions, which the student can appeal. If the set of facts indicates that no violation occurred, then the CA will find the student not responsible.

Administrative Conference: A formal proceeding before an administrator during which the student will respond to the reported allegations and will be allowed to provide relevant information and witnesses. The administrator then will determine whether the student is responsible for the behavior. If the student is found responsible, the administrator assigns appropriate sanctions.

Student Panel or Community Panel: A formal proceeding before a panel of students (Student Panel) or a board of students, faculty and staff (Community Panel) during which the student may respond to the reported allegations and may produce relevant information and witnesses. The panel then determines whether the student is responsible for the allegations. If the panel finds the student responsible, it will assign sanctions appropriate to the case. Note that warning-level violations are not eligible for panels.

Flow Chart depicting the Student Conduct Process (PDF)

Why do some people meet with the Area Director and some with the CVRP staff?

Incidents occurring in the residence halls typically are assigned to the Area Director who oversees that area. For incidents deemed to be more serious, or those involving a student with a recent or significant prior history, and those occurring outside of the residence hall environment generally are referred to the CVRP staff. In addition, assignments can be made based on the availability of particular staff.


Does double jeopardy apply? Can I go through the courts and the student conduct system?

The concept of double jeopardy does not apply since the Student Code of Conduct represents the university's own behavioral standards. Double jeopardy only applies when a person is twice tried and convicted for the same criminal in a court of law. As the university is not a criminal court, and as we don't view violations of our Code to be criminal violations, we can hold a student accountable for acts that violate both the university's policies despite any action taken by the courts of law.

What if I am off campus when I violate the Code of Conduct?

If the behavior adversely affects the university community or its members, the Director of CVRP can determine that the matter should be addressed through the student conduct process. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner congruent with the university community's values and to abide by laws, even while off campus.

What happens if I choose not to respond to requests to meet, choose not to appear for a scheduled meeting, or choose not to comply with a sanction?

If you do not appear for a scheduled appointment, CVRP can place a hold on your university records and/or add an additional violation of Failure to Comply with Directions. If you fail to appear for a scheduled proceeding or meeting after formal allegations have been issued, the case administrator may make a decision in your absence.

If you fail to comply with the terms of an assigned sanction, CVRP can add an allegation of Failure to Comply and/or place a hold on your university records. The sanctions resulting from such an allegation most likely will be more severe than the original sanctions.

What if I have concerns about a policy or practice?

Please feel free to contact CVRP staff or your Area Director to discuss your concerns. We want to hear them!